this is i'm a ballerina, pay attention to me, this is i'm in a little house.

Dec 11, 2006 23:12

hello everyone, are you watching wedding wars on the a&e channel? did you know that this is a movie where john stamos uncle jessie and sean maher and simon tam are boyfriends, AND NOT JUST IN A IN-MY-HEAD KIND OF WAY?

god, this movie is amazing. simon totally just kissed uncle jessie on the forehead and brought him a blanket because he knows he hates camping.

i don't know, i'm a woman on the verge right now. i also had no idea that pan's labyrinth was set in franco-era post-civil war SPAIN. now i'm going to have to see it instead of leaning over and saying, "but i already decided i didn't want to see lady in the water," every time i see the preview in the theater.

to return to the previous subject: who knew there were so many gays in MAINE?

so, i was thinking today about how my yuletide story is due a week from tomorrow, and how i fly home to california a week from tomorrow and how i've been writing holiday gift fic exchange stories for, like, five years now, and the due date of the gift exchange in question and the time of my flight are ALWAYS IN THE SAME TWENTY-FOUR HOUR PERIOD. but then i started thinking about how i was on day eight of the "can i survive on only cranberry cheese, satsuma mandarins, larabars and spinach?" experiment, and i went to make a tuna melt.

aaaaah, now simon's sitting alone on the bed because he's afraid to go protest with uncle jessie. UNCLE JESSIE LOVES YOU, SIMON, GO BE ON STRIKE WITH HIM. I PROMISE YOU AND YOUR SISTER WILL ALWAYS BE ... FRIENDS.

nielsen family picnic, writers of unpopular fiction are trying

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