well, well, well:
santos, whatever. josh and donna, whatever. what's what is that the pm came upstairs about ten minutes into the episode and said, "what are you shrieking about?" and i said, "that was the most satisfying scene, like, in the history of television."
at that point, i was honestly: whatever if he doesn't come back, whatever about the fact that any arc the character of sam had completely went down in flames when rob lowe wanted to leave the show, i mean, whatever. that scene, man. the textual referencing, the "i thought you'd never call," the "i'm getting married," the "i've heard that before," and the "you're the me to my leo." i just. i just.
me, further attempting to explain to the pm why this was the greatest thing to ever happen on our television: "it's kind of like, okay, it's like if chris and justin were seen in public singing *nsync songs. you know? you know?"
josh: "i assume there are a number of things she would do for you that i would balk at."
pm: "i don't think that's true."
okay, this is neither here nor there, but whenever santos and josh interact, i think about jed, uh, i don't even remember the context, but he says to somebody, "you got a best friend? that's your chief of staff." josh? is not santos' best friend. and that's really all there is to say about that.
also, this afternoon, i made what we will be calling
kitchen sink bread:
3 cups grated zucchini (unpeeled)
1 cup grated sweet potato (peeled -- the recipe that i vaguely glanced at before i made this up said to use yams, but sweet potatoes were all i had, and they're basically the same thing, right? you could probably use carrots, too.)
1 grated apple
zest of one orange
add and mix:
2 cups sugar (combine sugars to taste and/or availability. i used a cup of grated panela, half a cup of brown sugar and half a cup of white sugar. i definitely recommend cooking with
panela if you can find it. i used to get it at whole foods, but they don't carry it anymore, so one of my co-workers picks it up for me at this dodgy hispanic market out in winthrop. anyway.)
4 eggs
6 tablespoons melted butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
mix in a separate bowl:
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons nutmeg (i would have used cloves here, too, like whoa, but we were out of cloves. maybe next time)
combine the wet and dry ingredients and mix until nice and cakey. add:
1 package candied, uncrystalized ginger pieces (i used these because a) i like ginger pieces and b) i don't like nuts. so i figured that their size and texture would take the place of nuts nicely, and they did. if you don't like ginger, you could obviously use nuts here instead. i had it to do over again, i might cut the ginger up a little smaller. the pieces are bite-sized, but big enough that they didn't distribute totally even.)
bake at 325-ish until the center comes clean when you poke it with a knife.