you know that part at the beginning of chapter twenty-six of wizard people, dear reader where brad neeley just shouts "... FINALS!" (the courtyard looks like an anthill. our three stroll confidently, but harry seems to be nursing a head that dealt with one too many cognacs.) all this weekend, i have wretching around, randomly muttering, "...FINALS!" under my breath. this makes me come off sounding ... about as nonsensical as i always do, really. yesterday morning i was working on my campaign to get the pm to respond to the name "precious wheeler," and k8 was like, "...that doesn't make any sense," and i was like, "um, are you new?"
(something i keep meaning to tell you:
paintedmaypole totally now answers to the nickname "fellatio," which is, like, the most enjoyable thing ever when you're out in a public place and you're like, "have you see fellatio?" and someone's head whips around confused. epidemiology: two summers ago, we started calling her "muffin," and after half-blood prince came out, it shifted to "muffliato" and eventually the mispronounced for comedic effect "fellatio" for short. awesome.)
anyway. FINALS! the term paper ("social and behavioral risk factors associated with genital human papillomavirus in lesbian-identified women") is finished, and now i have some fucking powerpoint presentation that's twenty reference-cited slides on the health department that's due on wednesday and i'm like, shit, this grad school bullshit is not as glamorous as i thought it would be, now that i am actually having to do work. (also, let's not even get into the fact that i don't fucking have powerpoint on my computer, nor was i told i would need to have powerpoint to take this course, fucking shit fuck. fuck. every time i say fuck, i feel 0.02% better, yes, it's true, thanks for asking.)
also, i have many more important things to do than FINALS! like worrying that i'm going to fuck up the turkey on thursday. current lament: that i don't have access to a deep fryer, because my exhaustive research has convinced me that no roast turkey i will prepare will ever be as good as the crispy deliciousness of a deep-fried turkey. seriously, if you live in boston, and you are reading this, and you have a deep fryer lying around, we need to talk.
i was going to post about, um, something else, but i feel that the topic in question goes best with an icon i tried to upload but is currently rendering as either a poorly re-sized drunk frat boy or a purple mummy. NOT AWESOME, LIVEJOURNAL, NOT AWESOME. also, no comment notification e-mails. the whole user-pics-that-are-not-my-user-pics thing is sort of hilarious, though, as long as you remember that it means that somewhere, someone has YOUR icon of john sheppard that says, "the kind of people who probably do trust falls for fun," and is thinking to themselves, "um, what the fuck?"
also, i'm currently sitting at my desk trying to poor hydrogen peroxide down my ear canal because i have swimmer's ear and it's totally not working and kind of making me want to commit justifiable self-homicide.
it is so totally time to exfoliate my lips or something, oh my god.