bill simmons says: Today is the one-year anniversary of Game 7 of the 2004 ALCS, or as I like to call it, Bastille Day. Warrants mentioning. fate and destiny and world series championships and bad ass new god-like behavior aside, the end of the 2004 ALCS will always be synonymous, for me, with the end of the near-three months of wretched, depressing unemployment i wallowed in when i first moved to boston. first the ALCS was the thing that kept me from completely losing my shit at the end of october, then we won the series on wednesday, i got the offer to start the contract job that would eventually lead to the permanent job i have now on thursday, i started the job on tuesday and the sox won the world series on wednesday. which means, it seems, that i've been working here now for almost a year. even after the sox got swept in the ALDS this year, this gig i've got going here isn't that bad at all. really, not even a little bit.
and in brighter news, dale sveum has left the building. i repeat, dale sveum has
left the building. i'm ignoring the part where francona claims that it was sveum's choice and he totally would have kept sveum on for another year because the mere thought of it makes my head explode.
on an unrelated note, orlando bloom:
1. makes organic protein shakes
2. eats unripe blueberries
3. says that caffeine dehydrates your spine
4. looks for mercy fucks
5. wears mismatched socks
alk;sdfasdfalk;sdfalksdflkjsdfsdlfk god hates me and does not want me to be able to take a nap under my desk. i demand a recount.