The Penguin Prompting Party: Day One

Dec 01, 2011 22:01

Title: Tread Lightly, Agent Lisbon
Word Count: 659
Rating: T
Summary: "Eventually, we both know he will leave you..."

            “Agent Lisbon,” the new boss greets, as the dark-haired senior agent steps into his cozy office with her head held high; he vaguely notices that she doesn’t seem intimidated, and doesn’t even seem startled that he has requested a private meeting with only her. “Please, take a seat.” She shakes her head, and he curls his lips into a soft, gentle smile for her. “Are you sure, Agent?”

“I’m positive, sir.”

He nods. “Very well, Agent. I’m sure you are wondering why I’ve called you here.”

She doesn’t nod, and he clears his throat-she seems to be paying avid attention to him, and he likes that. He likes her, even if she has been a constant thorn in his side for years.

(But, he quietly admits to himself; he would like her much better if her blood was splashed across his light brick office walls.)

“I haven’t heard anything about Red John lately.” He comments, leisurely. “Where is your unit currently standing with catching him or her?”

Her pupils dilate. “He’s been quiet as of late.”

“Yes, he has…hasn’t he?” He muses, quietly. He moves his right hand under his chin, as he continues to glance at Lisbon in thought. “Does Mr. Jane have any theories?”

This time, she nods. “He seems to believe that Red John is an inside man.”

“Again?” He scoffs harshly. “Agent Lisbon, how many times will it take before he learns that Red John is not somebody who works for or at the CBI?” She tilts her head down, as if she is ashamed by being rebuked. He almost chuckles at her somewhat submissive behavior-for Agent Teresa Lisbon of the Serious Crimes Unit is anything but submissive. He blinks for a second to clear his imagination of her on her knees, down in front of him-begging for her life, as he holds a knife to her neck-her hair matted to her forehead with sweat, and caked with blood. Patrick Jane, nowhere to be found. “I have a question for you, Agent…and feel free to answer honestly without being penalized.” Lisbon nods again. “If Red John really was in the CBI, do you not think I would have found him already?”

“No disrespect sir, but…” she pauses in hesitation, and he nods for her to continue. “O’Laughlin…” He forces himself not to roll his eyes at the mention of the old mole, Craig O’Laughlin. He does not dare disrespect the dead-for the dead tell no lies-but, the man spent more time at the CBI, than he had ever spent at the FBI. “…was never discovered by Hightower until the very end.”

“If anybody should have noticed, Agent.” He addresses her, firmly. “It should have been Agent Van Pelt.”

Lisbon says nothing.

“You cannot argue with me, Agent.” He informs her. “Because you know, as well as I do, that while Agent Grace Van Pelt’s enthusiasm toward the job is excellent-she is still a little green, and by a little-I mean she is naïve.”

Lisbon still says nothing, and he finds himself growing slightly bored-the Serious Crimes Unit has nothing on him still, and now that he knows that, he can send her on her merry little way; none the wiser, and none the smarter. “You are dismissed, Agent Lisbon.” He watches her turn on her heels, and he can’t help but make more addition comment toward her management skills. “You should do your job properly, Agent-because, as exuberant as I am when I hear a Mr. Jane hunch-eventually, we both know he will leave you, and when that happens; whether it be from catching Red John,” he almost shakes his head for the idea is completely ridiculous, “or him, betraying you-you will have absolutely nothing left of your promising career. Tread lightly, Agent Lisbon.”

She hurries to leave his office, and he chuckles softly.

Good help is such a hard thing to find.

the penguin prompting party 2011, character: red john, character: teresa lisbon, fandom: the mentalist, genre: angst

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