∴ 013 ∴

Nov 25, 2007 11:44

What a particularly messy situation.

Rem, I would like to come and visit with you.

((ooc: Chronica has begin to get dosed with the Joker's non-fatal laughing gas, but it hasn't set in yet. She feels off currently, but is so focused on what's happening with Livio at this time that she's trying to ignore that she's "coming down with something ( Read more... )

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action log-- BOWCHIKA BOW WOW~ mother_rem November 26 2007, 08:04:15 UTC
[Look at Rem just sitting in her apartment. So ronery. Waiting for the walk off. She needed some laughs. And Chronica suddenly wanted to come wtf was this. Either way, if she wanted to come, it's not like Rem was going to stop her. So yes, just sitting in her apartment waiting for the seemingly sane Plant to come visit.]


CABOOSE! throttle November 26 2007, 08:13:07 UTC
[sane plant? really? She just got into a slapfight with a laughing kid with a baseball bat, man.

She's trying to fight the effects of the Joker gas, though, because she doesn't understand it. There's nothing funny about anything, and yet she keeps laughing. Domina called them, what... giggle-fits? she thinks.

Doesn't matter. Trying not to laugh is hurting her chest at this point, and she kind of thumps against the door for a break, a hand over her face, before she just swings the unlocked door open and staggers in]


I'M TUCKER! mother_rem November 26 2007, 08:15:45 UTC
[Ohshi-- Door swinging open and a Plant stumbling in. This...was very unlike Chronica as far as Rem knew. At the thumb, Rem had looked up to the door, and when Chronica started in, she was on her feet to greet her but blinked at her condition.]

... Chronica, are you.. okay?


YOU WISH YOU WERE OF THAT MUCH FAIL throttle November 26 2007, 08:20:39 UTC
[slumps forward, wrapping her free hand around her stomach because restraining herself is hurting so bad]

I--I can't... s-something's w-wrong--


NO BECAUSE I'M THAT MUCH WIN. mother_rem November 26 2007, 08:22:30 UTC

[quickly goes to her, putting a hand on her shoulder as she watches her concernedly. She really hoped this wasn't Plant related because she couldn't do anything about that and she was sure Conrad was asleep by now.] W-what's wrong? What's going on?


THEN YOU'D BE TEX. OR SARGE. throttle November 26 2007, 08:25:48 UTC
[seethe-laughs, tears starting to stream down her face as the laughter starts to spurt out more]

Duh--ahah--don't know--aaah--I can't--can't perform dia... [drops to a knee and puffs out in attempt of restraint] ...diagnostics fuh-failing... [claps hands over face and starts to chuckle]


TUCKER IS WIN FOR SHOOTING TEX IN THE ASS. mother_rem November 26 2007, 08:28:03 UTC
[goes down to one knee with her, still keeping that hand on her shoulder before her face goes blank hearing her]

...So...You're having a giggle fit. I... Don't think I've ever heard you laugh before, Chronica.


...and then giving the rifle to Church? throttle November 26 2007, 08:32:17 UTC

[suddenly spasms violently, nearly hitting Rem as her right hand launches out awkwardly behind her and in the air as she topples forward and slams face-to-floor, her other hand clawing down to a point a couple of her nails audibly crack]

Ah... hahaha... nuh-no--this is... nuh...not...ahahaha--let's go have a parade~


Exactly. That's some WIN right there. mother_rem November 26 2007, 08:34:25 UTC
Wha--!! [backs away to avoid getting hit, making sure her broken arm is away from danger]

...A parade. What for, if I can ask?


Donut? throttle November 26 2007, 08:38:34 UTC
[wiggles around from where she's plastered on the floor, starting to giggle more freely]

Fuh-For the blood th-that is shed and th-the tears that fall--

[snaps up on all fours and looks straight out ahead of her, heaving laughter even though her eyes are just totally POURING at this point]

It--It'll be fun~ It'll have donkeys--[sways left]--and elephants--[sways right]--and even cadavers lit on fire like pretty little torches~~


[slams into a faceplant again and holds her torso] Oh God--Oh God...


Donut's a little too gay for me. That's Kendall. mother_rem November 26 2007, 08:45:31 UTC
[Just sits next to her watching her carefully, ready to move if she has to. So many things going through her head right now because ohmygod hysterical Plant in her entranceway. What the hell was going on.]

... Has this ever happened before? I mean, do you have some kind of history of this kind of thing?

Is there anything I can do to help?


...you're PROBABLY RIGHT. throttle November 26 2007, 08:55:58 UTC
[eyes wide as she stays flopped there, panting] N-No. I think... I think this is... th-that laughing epi--demic--I--

[wheezes and starts to giggle as she slaps the floor again and CLAWS, doing so to a point her nails not only crack but a thin line of red starts to appear under each fingernail]

People--should always laugh when they're dying~


I KNOW I'M RIGHT. mother_rem November 26 2007, 08:58:44 UTC

[reaches with her good hand to try and get her hands from the floor, at least to save her fingernails from being ripped off with a stern voice]

You are not dying. I think you've just..been affected by whatever was being sent around. I read a little bit about it, but the walk off's taking most of my attention.

Get up, and get over here, you're going to sit and at least not hurt yourself. [takes Chronica's arm and tries to get her up to take her to the couch]


AND YET YOU STILL FAIL. throttle November 26 2007, 09:05:54 UTC
[snaps her shoulders violently to wrench from Rem's arm, the motion causing a couple of her nails to almost literally pop off, and leaves the start of a nice bloody mess as she clamors from Rem with a round of giggles and scrambles to her feet, literally stumbling herself into a wall clear across the room]

Ah--[flops around and onto her back to lean, looks at Rem with huge eyes and those tears still streaming, giggling]--aheheheheheh--have you ever had a vivisection?


FUKKEN LIES. I'M GETTING PIZZA. mother_rem November 26 2007, 09:09:49 UTC
[falls back when Chronica pulls away, watching a bit wide eyed. Okay maybe keeping her distance was a better idea. As long as the Plant wasn't hurting herself]

N-no, I haven't. Have you?


throttle November 26 2007, 09:24:45 UTC
[giggles rapidly, and starts popping her lips together loudly, starting to run one of her bloody nails up her shirt along her side] That's~~~ ahehehe--that's what ribs sound like when they get snapped by doctors.

[acts shocked to seriousness for a moment] Oh! Maybe I should show you~?


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