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[ Filtered to Chronica ] viralexchange November 19 2007, 18:38:14 UTC
I have a free block today between 1:30-3:15. Please notify me if you would like to discuss this over the network and in person.


[ Filtered to Wesker ] throttle November 19 2007, 18:45:49 UTC
I prefer in person, to be honest, and can be there on the minute of 1:30. I believe that discussions such as these bids for more than just a few minutes if they're to be taken seriously.


[ Filtered to Chronica ] viralexchange November 19 2007, 18:52:32 UTC
Meet me at the carousel at that time, then?


[ Filtered to Wesker ] throttle November 19 2007, 18:53:43 UTC

((ooc: You said commentspam, right? So switch to actiony?))


viralexchange November 19 2007, 19:11:35 UTC
[ As per usual, Wesker hasn't bothered to change out of his tactical uniform - he's going to be on the clock soon anyway, so he doesn't see any merit in changing. He stands with his arms crossed at his chest and his head lowered as he waits for his guest. ]


throttle November 19 2007, 19:15:50 UTC
[She's since changed from the business attire she wears to do her job as Ryuichi's manager, donning her own uniform that she's had a chance to fix up since her arrival. Getting in close proximity to the blond man, Chronica is finding herself squinting her eyes a little as she closes in on him.] I can only assume: Albert Wesker?


viralexchange November 19 2007, 19:18:35 UTC
[ Albert lifts his head, his frown growing a bit tighter. ] Yes; I'm Albert Wesker. You must be Chronica, then? A pleasure.

[ He extends a hand. ]


throttle November 19 2007, 19:20:45 UTC
[squinting further; there's something about him... She takes the offered hand firmly] Affirmative. Has the warden heard your proposals as of yet?


viralexchange November 19 2007, 19:23:03 UTC
He has and he has put me in charge of organizing a group of capable individuals. [ His brows furrow together. ]

I am sure you are interested in what we do, but first, I need to know exactly what you plan to contribute and whether or not you have anything that needs to be on record - species, for example.


throttle November 19 2007, 19:26:15 UTC
[Clucks her tongue.] I don't see how my race, gender or species would be relevant here, with all due respect.

[Her hands swing around behind her and clasp together.] I have extensive combat background dealing with elevated threats beyond the scope of normal authority. That includes being the helmsman and primary tactical assault officer on both exploration class and battle class starships.


viralexchange November 19 2007, 19:32:27 UTC
You must understand; the only reason I ask is because I have created a security system to deal with curse days. I wouldn't want you to be harmed because your species has some weakness to, say, sunlight for example. I am merely taking precautions so no one is harmed in these...tense situations. [ He licks his lower lip. ] You have the right to refuse, if you like. I expect to have privacy and I think my comrades should expect the same - I shall not force the matter a second time.

[ Wesker lowers his hands to his sides and listens. ] As you have told me - we need someone of your caliber to handle sensitive situations. After all, many people will not be of right mind when committing crimes here. We also have to deal with the fact that many of the City's residents are not exactly...human. [ He pauses to adjust his sunglasses. ]

Tell me, do you have experience with Earth law?


throttle November 19 2007, 19:46:48 UTC
[She's studying his every movement, concerned because she's having a difficult time analyzing him.] I originate from Colorado, in the United States. I have been required to learn United States law, as well as intergalactic law. Intergalactic law is a mish-mash of the agreements of many countries around the world. This has proven important when executing procedures in my job. Do you intend to mold this unit based off of a certain sect of Earth law?


viralexchange November 19 2007, 19:56:07 UTC
[ He lets out a soft snort - Colorado? That could be a problem. ] I intend to keep everything in perspective - I was raised in the States, so most of my perceptions of law are based off of their organization. However, it seems we'll have to expand those rules and regulations, as we're dealing with not-your-average people.


throttle November 19 2007, 20:01:25 UTC
Intergalactic law can deal with that. It was designed specifically to cover humans and non-humans alike, along with adaptable laws for any species that may arise from both science and exploration. First and foremost, the basic rights of a human must be upheld for all races under our protection.

Within reason. If a subject is too dangerous and elimination means minimalizing potential fatalities, then the basic human right to life must be ousted and the subject terminated.


viralexchange November 19 2007, 20:11:31 UTC
Of course - we must not shun a certain race just because of their actions. Everyone is here to survive, I tend to think. However, we cannot authorize, of course, violence and what have you. There has to be order amongst the chaos.

Indeed, that is, if they can be terminated.


throttle November 19 2007, 20:15:49 UTC
[Lowers her voice an octave] Everything can be terminated. It is only a matter of difficulty. No matter my race or yours, or any other, termination is always possible.

[straightens herself again and looks away] I think a special forces unit would be most beneficial, and would not mind at all a hand in it... so long as you do... [looks to him once more] ...keep your promise of respectful confidentiality.


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