Probably going to be boring to you school stuff

Nov 10, 2008 23:29

Seems like it has been ages since I've posted. Heck, it's been ages since I've read my friend's page. It's just so much and I just don't have time.

I'm perpetually buried under a never ending stack of school work. As soon as I catch up I'm behind again.

In the short about school aside from it being tons of work:

I'm really loving my new major. All (almost) of the professors are amazing. They are ALL incredibly smart and have so much to teach us. (To bad a few of them just don't know how to teach! Gah!) I'm learning tons of things and of course, the more I learn the more I realize that this is a field that requires great specialization and I have miles to go before I sleep.

There are 6 students in my grade for my major. I'm the only girl. That pretty much so makes me the proverbial punching bag. I'm easy to make fun of... being the only girl any female aimed joke HAS to go to me. I'm okay with it. They tease because they... well can. One of them pretty much so hates me, because he thinks girls should be in the kitchen, but for hating me so much he surely does remember silly things about how my idea of fun is sitting at home with my BFF drinking wine and knitting! We're all a bunch of nerds. It's nice to be amongst people that don't have room to judge me for knitting a pi sweater vest.

I miss sewing and knitting. Yeah, I can watch CSI and call "bullshit" because they start talking about memory polymers and I know that it's all lies. And that show Fringe. I watch it because it's so bizarrely outlandishly outside of our current abilities. But what good does that do me on a daily life stress relief basis?
I'm going to start knitting more with my free time.

I suppose that's enough for now.
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