Mar 14, 2006 16:55
Hey check it out, I haven't updated this sucker in a while.
So what's new? Ummmm... Lost a flatmate (adios Will, you're a nice chap -- plus I always appreciate an absent flatmate), gained a flatmate (hey Steve).
Novel is going well. Starting to wonder how people manage to finish them. Surely there will be 23 drafts.
Rumour has it that several gorgeous young women lust after me. Obviously there's always some truth in every rumour.
Gossip has it that I started this rumour. Obviously gossip is not to be believed.
Cheese has it that banana, radish, and random dairy product (perhaps yoghurt). Time will tell.
Time tells. It is almost the homewards-bound hour.
Mario Bava says "Look man, I've been dead for over a quarter of a century and didn't speak English even when I was alive."