Dec 27, 2003 22:22
Here's a little bit of advice for you all: eat dates. Apparntly, the bedowin's eat a lot of dates. Bedowins also have an exreemly low cancer rate. So, from now on, when I get back to the States, I'm gonna start eating a lot of dates. By the way, Bedowins are a type of people around here. They're like Middle Eastern nomads. I don't know too much about them. We don't deal with them.
I need to worry about this, since all of this Army shit gives us cancer. There's a lot of things that give cancer(DU rounds, radios, insect repelant to name a few). I just found a box in my truck that had insect repelant in it. You have to wash it into your uniform. It's highly famable and has the warning: FOR MILITARY USE ONLY. Because it may cause cancer. That's some dumb shit. I'll just buy some OFF Bug-spray, thank you.