Oct 31, 2005 18:21
This is a repost from over the summer. I got the idea to write a letter to my future husband from the book When Love Calls, You Better Answer by Bertice Berry. It's my favorite book, and sadly when I told all of my friends that they need to read it, only a couple of people made the effort to do so. Even if you haven't read it, you can do this. Just write a letter to your future husband or wife and say whatever you feel you need to - about yourself, about him/her, what you want them to be, whatever. It's a nice exercise.
Dearest Husband,
I miss you, strange as it might be to say since I've yet to meet you. I know I haven't met you, because I don't believe I'm ready to meet you. I know that the time will come for God to bring us together, when you and I are both prepared for a love unlike any other, when we've experienced pain, laughter, heartbreak, dismay, and happiness with others that only serves to better ourselves for our relationship. You are to be my best friend; you will understand my mind, emotions, quirks, when to hold me, when to laugh at me, and when to put me in my place. You'll be my greatest lover; you can turn me on like a light, know your way around my every curve, when to stop, and when to go. You already have my faith and trust, and I loyally wait until the day you come into my life, just as I know you're doing the same. Though I am eager to begin my life with you, to create a family and expand our love, I will be patient because I know everything in my past and from now until we meet is only making me stronger for you and more willing to let you into my heart. I do not need to be hopeful of the future, because I know with you at my side everything will be right. I will continue to fight for us and our family, just as I'm sure you're doing the same somewhere else. It's easier to keep up the fight when you know just what you're in it for, my dear.
I believe in love because I believe in you. Always yours,