Basic Profile
Name: Lyra
Age: 16
Birthday: September 12th (The first release of HG/SS in Japan lmfao)
Hometown: Newbark Town
Title: Johto Ex-Champion
Badges: 8 Johto Badges
Canon: Alternate Universe, reversed time of Fire Red/Leaf Green and Heart Gold/Soul Silver
History: A young champion who has everything she has always wanted. Rank, fame, friends and strength... Except that she lost her sister, Kris, in the progress. Believing that she was to blame for Kris' decision to join Team Rocket, Lyra could not bear to fight her sister and to once again crush her... She decided to hide in Mt.Ember on One Island, only informing her closest friends on where she is right now.
Personality: At first glance, Lyra can be described by childish, playful, laid-back and very cheerful. She's a daredevil who isn't afraid to pick a choice or jumping off of a cliff. The fact that she's been staying in a mountain makes her a little socially awkward though. She doesn't seem to know the concept of personal space and private matters, Lyra also tends to forget things easily and very slow at understanding things (and also big words). How naive she might be and how happy she might look like when getting attentions, she's feeling a little awkward with them... as she believes that she doesn't deserve all those attentions.
Inside, she's just a very sad young girl who lost her sister to the enemy. She spends so much time messing around with her pokemon in Mt.Ember to forget that feeling, believing in a fake hope that 'everything will end up fine'. She cries herself to sleep almost every night, watching the pokeball that has Kris' Meganium inside.
MORE INFO because mc is an awesome momma
Level: 84
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Hardy
Movement: Blast Burn | Earthquake | FlameWheel | ThunderPunch
Profile: Derpderpderpderpderp
Level: 84
Type: Water
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Hasty
Movement: Hydro Cannon | Ice Fang | Brick Break | Crunch
Profile: Derpderpderpderpderp
Level: 84
Type: Grass
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Naughty
Movement: Frenzy Plant | Protect | Body Slam | Magical Leaf
Profile: Derpderpderpderpderp
Level: 88
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Gentle
Movement: Return | Aura Sphere | Sky Attack | Aerial Ace
Profile: Derpderpderpderpderp
Level: 82
Type: Electric
Ability: Static
Nature: Jolly
Movement: Thunderbolt | Power Gem | Signal Beam | Focus Blast
Profile: Derpderpderpderpderp
Level: 80
Type: Water/Flying
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Rash
Movement: Hydro Pump | Flamethrower | Bounce | Thrash
Profile: Derpderpderpderpderp