things got better, because they always do

Nov 23, 2015 20:46

Saturday was a much better day. I guess in the first instance, blogging everything out really helped me to get a grasp on the extent of the situation, which helped a little bit. Also, Mim helped so much back home (bless her) through soothing words and gentle, endearing encouragement. She even called and we had a nice long chat while she was at Dani’s place - it makes me hugely happy that the two of them can help offer each other little bits of support from time to time.

Finally, I had a nice long walk around the village, and a long chat with Brendan about that was on my mind, and he was super, super understanding and supportive. I mentioned to him about how some days I felt happy but on other days I felt completely unsupported and like there was little interest in what I was doing... and I expressed my frustrations about the way that Neil had approached me about certain things. Shortly after this long chat, on the same morning, we had the meeting which I had been craving for so long - where we worked out exactly what I had done, and what I should aim towards in my last couple of weeks. In short, it ‘Officially’ (and I use that term loosely) looks like this:

Stuff I have done:
- repair and prepare the computer lab, moving it from 8x PCs to 13
- observed ICT classroom teaching
- reviewed current curriculum, dissected/analyzed content and researched ways of improving
- setup men’s football team, established and run training program, organized regular district competition
- setup women’s football team, trained.

Stuff I will do:
- create an academic report on the current state of ICT teaching, and build a toolkit of useful resources for schools with computer labs
- meet with the school’s ict teacher to agree to format and content (ie. make sure toolkit resources get used)
- share notes with education specialists, ict teacher and headmaster
- design logo for men’s football team
- speak with Aikins about increasing training attendance, both through rewards (ie. rewards for best attendance + best attitude), and a penalty system, where if training is not met 75 of time, a player will not play.
- hopefully arrange our girls to play a football match against Gboloo Kofi

After this, I felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders - I felt a happy sense of harmony with the world again. I’m especially looking forward to getting the logo and stuff done for my football team (they are playing again today - I hope that they win!), and i’ll start work on it after my next blog post. But I am in a much better place now - I am feeling like what I do matters, and like the thing that I care so very much about here - my work - has some benefit, focus and direction.

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volunteering, feelings, work

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