So it wasn't my birthday, but
evannichols's 51st on Saturday. There was very yummy breakfast-eating at
Slappy Cakes, kilt wearing (him, not me), a wander around the beautiful campus of his alma mater,
Lewis & Clark College, and then being taken out to birthday sushi by
sanguinity and
grrlpup. And that was just Saturday!! I worked my usual shifts of 1-10 on Sunday and yesterday, but Evan was around much of yesterday so I could enjoy his company. And then my friend Jen stopped by during my break yesterday on her return trip to Eugene, so that was an additional highlight. Just a really wonderful, delight-filled set of days.
So here's a link to the photos, for those who don't follow me on other social media! I'll be picking up my copy of Unfinished Tales this week and hope to get kick-started on some writing while on my business trip next week. :)
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