This happened yesterday:
Evan, beaming: "Kristi's given Evan a sock! Evan is free!"
This after I found a rogue sock of his hidden at the end of the bed under the covers- and handed it to him. We're definitely a multi-fandom household. ♥
And something absolutely lovely that greeted me in my Thevina33 email this morning: a comment about my first Lord John Grey fanfic story from just about 18 months ago, a review from a fan who apparently has read it a dozen times and is reading it again and wanted to let me know how much she loves it. ♥ ♥ ♥
Tomorrow morning I work for another colleague but my shift is 11-8, so tomorrow morning is officially "Thev gets back into the habit of writing in the mornings" day. Time to get back to that R/D due at the end of next month!
Oh, and I haven't seen The Hobbit yet. I've been reading everybody's reviews of it and will definitely go see it, but during a matinee and not in 3-D and not at 48 fps. I'm really looking forward to all of the dwarves. But you all knew that!! ;)
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