A quick note to anyone near me geographically: if you or anyone you know is in need of a very gently used full sized mattress (I got it new last February and have slept on [solo] about 3/4 of the time since) please email me. Otherwise I'll take it to Community Warehouse. It's just the mattress, no box springs.
I've noticed that it's pretty easy for me to be in a home and be able to explain why something *isn't* my style
but I have no idea what my personal style is. Or if I have one. I'm a bit giddy in realizing that I'll get to discover that as Evan and I merge what we have and then take the time to decorate and lightly furnish together.
I'll be boxing and bagging things up today once I'm not the only one awake.
sanguinity is coming over around one o'clock to visit and go for a walk, which will be fun. That will mean a grand total of five people who have seen where I've lived these past 9 months. I suppose I could have taken photos. Ah well.
This morning I actually stood on my bed and opened the window to take a couple of pictures of the sky. The sky was a light robin's egg blue with dark grey clouds floating in front. Very northwest-looking to my eye. Being here in this part of the world is soul-soothing for me, truly.
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