Couple 'o pics

Oct 18, 2012 20:53

It's been a challenging couple of weeks. Work continues to be a variety of things, including disheartening and perhaps a short-term environment for me after all. More details in a day or so in a non-public environment, just in case.

But! In very exciting news! Under the cut is a new and up-to-date photo of yours truly with my new haircut and haircolor, for however long it lasts. Will be fun for Steamcon. Speaking of that, I'm actually sewing again, for the first time since 1988 on a sewing machine other than my own.

I don't know if anyone else on my flist has made anything from a Folkwear pattern. My assembly is further along than in the picture; I can almost try them on. I'll be sporting them at Steamcon, though I'm not sure with what.

If you'd like to see the other pictures in the set that evannichols took during a mini photo shoot from the 17th, they are here.

I hope you all are well! Sorry so quiet on my end. Sorting through things.

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disappointment, work stress, creativity, yours truly, busy brain, pic, steampunk

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