A chatty, leisurely weekend

Dec 19, 2011 22:47

For the first time in ages, I really slept in on Saturday and needed it after my week of getting up so early. But once I was up and had coffee in hand, I spent several hours having unhurried, thoughtful conversations with family and friends, including emansil_08, persephone100 and cim_halfling. I also had a massage on Sunday. :D I got it from Joseph, the fabulous massage therapist who I used to see regularly when I lived here before. That is one great perk of living at Julia's: being able for him to use the treatment room. There's something marvelous about getting a massage without having to go anywhere! I also had a major library run, taking back loads of movies and some books and picking up a slew of unfortunately heavy books to bring home in my backpack. I'm currently reading The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ by Philip Pullman, a book I'm borrowing from a work colleague, amazingly enough. I've also started my second major tome by Jared Diamond, his perhaps more famous one, Guns, Germs and Steel. It's pretty interesting stuff, and great reading while on the bus and train. I will say that walking to the bus and it being light outside was quite novel- and much appreciated. I did agree to switch back to the early shift for Wednesday to accommodate a fellow CSR's doctor appointment. One day of doing the early shift again won't be too bad. I'm really enjoying my work. I still have plenty to learn, and I'm not always as fast as others, but I'm already pretty savvy about what's going on and I know that my actual interactions with clients is professional and personable. I am weighing out options about whether to stay at Julia's for more than another month or to get serious about finding something much closer to my job. It's not as black and white as it could be, and there are many positives as well as many negatives to both- and an unfortunate amount of psychological elements to it, some of which really do make me want to move out again so as not to deal with them. The universe has been incredibly good to me in recent months; I trust that will continue.

Lastly, I uploaded my Yuletide fic. Yay!! Perhaps I'll do some more writing on my Tolkien stories over Christmas, as well as while on the bus. Speaking of, I had another of my "Wow, I really do love this city/area" moments while crossing the river this morning, seeing the mist on the hills and loving that I can get around everywhere I need to on public transportation. That's pretty cool. :)

books, yuletide, friendship, living in portland, work potential

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