I'm going to be revising my slash article and would like people's thoughts on a couple of things: One is the very definition of slash. Is it still slash if the characters canonically are already gay or bi? Say writing Queer As Folk fanfic. Is it slash or just fic about canonically gay characters
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Chan, I didn't even know what it was so had to look it up! I'm definitely not interested in underage sex if it gets too graphic. Really, I think it's probably just that so many people are so easily influenced and no one should be getting sexual before they need to IMO, although obviously some kids are ready for it before others. I don't object to writing characters who are underage so in theory shouldn't mind reading them, but I prefer them not to be overtly sexual. I tend not to read slash with characters that are too young as slash to me is all about the men, not the boys!
Incest I have no issues with at all because my understanding of it being squick is due to the issues with offspring... and in slash: no women, no babies, therefore incest seems fair game in my little world!
Top slash pairings? I don't know HP, so will give you what I would consider the more popular ones from the places I frequent. I used to be more into LOTR and definitely the major one was Aragorn/Legolas (and the RPS Viggo/Orlando) although who knows now? Personally, I'm a follower of Lost wherein the main pairing with the biggest following was Jack/Sawyer (my own favourites would be Sawyer/Sayid and Jack/Boone), although for some reason (not my thing at all) in the most recent series, Jacob/Man in Black (or Esau or Samuel or Smoke Monster, varying since no one ever seems to agree on his name). I'd agree on House (House/Wilson) and Torchwood (Jack/Ianto) and add True Blood to the mix, where Eric/Bill may find it's way near the top of the pile, though there are certainly plenty of nice-looking choices (personally I'm a Bill/Sam girl). I can't think of any others with major happenings, though these are probably not huge in the grand scheme of things!
I think the issue of chan comes up mostly in HP where the canonical characters for many of the books are underage, and authors definitely learned to warn for it. But some people love it.
I need to talk with some True Blood afficianados about any homoerotic content that could probably be traced to producers knowing about women's desire to see that on screen due to the widespread emergence of slash. It's conjecture, but probably accurate.
and i'd say as/s is the third most popular slash pair these days, not r/s. i see the most activity around them (bar hp/ss and hp/dm since canon closed).
also, are you including girl slash? or only boys? there is a fair amount of gwen/morgana, morgana/morgause in merlin, but if you're only doing boys arthur/merlin far outweighs arthur/leon, merlin/uther, merlin/will. the show just doesn't have many side characters to pair anyone with. it's pretty much only about merlin, arthur, gwen, morgana, gaius, uther and guest-star-of-the-week. series 3 has just started and it looks like we're going to get more of morgause and king cen(d)red, and as well as (perhaps) another knight with an actual name (so far only sir leon has had a 'role' other than standing around in a cape).
and chan to me implies one child and one adult and i have issues with it and tend not to get anywhere near it.
Thanks for your input!
It's completely awesome, although they stop before it gets really good, if you know what I mean. And it certainly didn't have any relevance to the plot at this point, nor has it been referred to again!
And the character Lafayette (as per my icon) gets a boyfriend, Jesus, and they get some nice scenes - more loving perhaps than just sexual - too.
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