Five Words meme

Sep 18, 2009 11:50

We're close enough to a weekend that I've succumbed to a meme. :P

Reply to this post by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

WORDS from jaiden_s (who now has a lovely autumnal-themed layout, reminding me that I'll be switching out myself with the equinox next Tuesday). Here we go!
    i. Redheads (duh. had to.)- my fascination with redheads goes back to early childhood. Maybe Pippi Longstocking? Not sure. But I've always, ALWAYS felt that I was cheated by given pale skin, green eyes, and medium brown hair. Maybe I was a redhead in a past life. Regardless, I began coloring my hair red at age 16 and have never stopped. I have no real idea what color my hair is now except that, sadly, there's more grey showing up in the 'ol roots as time goes on. :P Bartek Boroweic is my favorite red haired male, the one featured in my Vaysh icon. ::drools::

    ii. Knitting- I come from a long line of knitters on my mom's side, definitively back to my great-grandmother. I was more focused on sewing (learned as a child) until the spring of my senior year of college, when I decided it was silly that I didn't know how. After a couple of false starts, I found a then-new store in Nashville called Angel Hair Yarn, asked how much I could pay somebody to finish this sweater I'd started, and they kindly sat me down and said, "No, let's get out your pattern and figure out where you are." From there I became as obsessive about knitting as I am now about writing. I was heavily involved in the Nashville Knitting and Crocheting Guild and even snagged a few ribbons at the Tennessee State Fair in the knitting category. (I also have some for my sewing endeavors) The only reason I don't knit as much as I used to is that I can't knit and write at the same time, and while I do multitask nearly all the time, I don't even want to try recording stories out loud while knitting and then typing it in. Even I have my limits. :P

    iii. Androgyny- Wraeththu fascinate me, although in my closer attention to detail as I've been writing in the fandom for about 18 months now, there aren't that many characters who seem truly androgynous. I'm compelled by androgynous looking people (Tilda Swinton most especially) but must admit that my androgyny interests are toward svelte men who have finely-boned features.

    iv. Travel- My boss recently noted about me, "The roots in those feet don't run deep, do they?" No, they don't. I was born with wanderlust and even from childhood told my mother that I was going to visit and/or live in Scotland, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand. Due to travel and moving a lot I've been to 48 out of the 50 states, and lived overseas. I went to Iceland because the language interested me and I didn't personally at that point know anybody who'd been. As an adult I've discovered that I really prefer to travel alone. Now granted, I don't go to countries where I'd be likely to be attacked or something as a single caucasian female, but I've discovered that if you go as a pair, you tend not to meet as many people by happenstance or whatever. Plus I'm just getting more self-indulgent as I get older. If I'm spending hundreds of dollars to go abroad, I want to do whatever the hell I want, eat when and what I want, be spontaneous or not and not have anybody else's agenda. That said, being able to visit friends while traveling is such a joy, so I try to do both. If I won the lottery, I'd enroll in courses to learn obscure languages and travel six months out of twelve, or even more.

    v. Music- I grew up in a musical family. I've been singing since I was very young, took piano for many years, and harp, tried french horn for a year, and tried following in my mother's footsteps by taking organ for about 3 years. Primarily I'm a choral singer, mostly Anglican choral music but I've sung in small a cappella ensembles, Renaissance groups, you name it. In regards to what I listen to, frankly these days I count on my friends sending me mixes and listening to EdgeRadio via Wolfie's live streaming set up.

If people would like to play, feel free!

meme, travel, music, red-haired men, rl, knitting

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