So in my current active writing notebook, starting at the front is my
weasley_fest fic. I don't want it to be long, I really don't. But I think if the two characters in question simply get together, it's not as interesting as it could be. So still a ways to go with it. Starting at the back of the notebook was my most recent Slave Breakers story, and then the genfic Gimli story. I've decided that the Beornings must have taken a toll in silver or some other useful metal. I had to rewrite a whole section when I realized the Carrock wasn't directly above the Ford of Carrock, as in, not leading directly to it. While initially jazzed with this story, now I'm wondering why I picked this particular moment of Gimli and Glóin's journey to Rivendell. Am leaving it alone for inspiration to come along. In the middle of the notebook I've started another Slave Breakers story; that's the one that I've been envisioning in my mind's eye for a few days and is quite contentedly and at great speed writing itself. PWP with characterization exploration in that realm is just so much fun. Plus the visual in my mind's eye of Andrei/Lee/Bran was simply too exquisite not to write. Hee.
There were the M+M edits yesterday, thanks to Oshun's and my talk on Friday. And I'm about to go through withdrawal as I'm down to the final of the three Lord John novellas, the last book on tape to do with him that my library has. In looking at Ms. Gabaldon's Lord John series, I'm thrilled to see there's another one forthcoming; damn, is she prolific. I would jump at writing Lord John fanfic, but they're nearly all mysteries of sorts and/or to do with military life and that's not my strong suit. Not only that, but for it to be canonical, it would take quite a while for him to get together with anyone, England in the mid-1700s not exactly being queer friendly. The everyday vocabulary of a lord in that time period, especially to do with clothes, transportation and genteel conversation would also be a bit of a trial, at least at first. I've noticed some of it slipping into my current fics, but not specific words like swive, weskit or sodomitical society. :P
Mulling around in my head is what to write for Ardor in August. I checked out both Morgoth's Ring and The Children of Húrin to glean further first age knowledge. The concept and characters are coming to me for this particular story, but I haven't started writing. I'd really like to at least finish this Slave Breakers threesome (which is, surprisingly, turning into an illuminating look into Bran's thoughts on life post-freedom) and the Gimlific so I can focus on weasley_fest. Oh, and incorporate Oshun's edits. She's going to break me of my encourage me to use semicolons with less frequency. I knew I lean on them a lot. Soon I'll know just how much!
Hope you all have had a pleasing weekend!