Thanks to
heartofoshun sending
two_point my way to read some of my Wraeththu stories, I've discovered another kindred spirit! I was reading some of her older posts, and came across this sentiment about the writing process, and with her permission, I'm reposting here. I suspect this will resonate with many of you.
We find an idea, we write the first line and we feel it out on our tongues like the perfect first kiss. And then all the shit happens and the trash is on the floor and someone walks up and says, “The Turk told me that he’s thinking about buying three emaciated racehorses!” So we pull our hair and break into vacant houses and call up strangers in order to be given the perfect second line. And it sucks, the line. The writing is really, really bad. But then one day in the middle of the fourth chapter we realize that the book doesn't start there at all, really. It doesn't start until the middle of the story, when we know the characters, and can hear them and can smell their skin, and they walk up behind us and whisper something secret that makes our face flush.
It’s not the writing, not really, it’s about seeing where the story goes.
Today's a long day for me; I need to get away from the computer and get a shower and then head off to my favorite card shop located near where I used to live. There's another wave of birthdays and Father's Day cards to get. I'll be working and watching the opera tonight (Rigoletto), so all in all, a long day. Still, it should be good. Even though I'm also working a Saturday shift, I do hope to be able to spend some solid time writing since I wasn't able to last weekend while with family. That said, I did get a lot of knitting done last weekend! Blast. I still haven't taken pictures of this project. I'll do that, too.
For the many of you on my flist who engage in such, happy writing!