Title: Strange-Eyed Constellation
Pairing(s): Past Fred/Seamus, Seamus/Dean, eventual Fred/Seamus/Dean, Ron/Harry
Rating: This chapter NC-17
Summary: War can make strange bedfellows; peacetime allows kindred spirits to join together. Seamus discovers both, and in being true to the baffling desires of his heart, believes that love needn't come
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LOL that we are feeding off each other with the 69 thing; I think I made that awkward in "Passages" because of something you had said. ;-) [Heh, and isn't it fun to reread older smut?]
I can see that it will be a struggle to get Fred involved! You haven't made it easy on yourself there, so I do look forward to finding out how you resolve that. *g* I'm sure that the characters will come through for you eventually.
there's absolutely NO author self-insert in this story
Heh. Yeah. Well, that "person not gender" thing is one that I very much subscribe to myself, so... hee. {{hugs you}}
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