antique books!

Jul 20, 2014 20:45

My last post here I posted an antique book I found at Value Village, now I found a couple more! I think buying old cheap books from VV might be something I keep doing. More pics and info under the cuts.

After some research I found out that Children of the Abbey by Regina Maria Roche was originally published in 1796! This version is from 1887, so very popular to have been in print for so long. I got it for $8.

The font and back inside covers had these great ads for different reference books. I love things like this to see how much things cost back then.

I was really excited to see this! It says 'Presented to Chas Hoover by his sister Ruth Dec 25th 1887'

This one is a children's science textbook from 1950. I was drawn to it because I was curious about what they believed then, I forget a lot that science that we know is relatively new. Value Village only had book five, too bad I'd have loved to see what they talk about in the other ones. I think it was $3

The space chapter was the best one for outdated info. 'No one knows exactly how the sun or the planets began. We do know that they came into existence a long time ago.' I like the popular theory in the last paragraph.

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