The Progressives had humanity, the baby boomers had the government, I have my dad.

May 05, 2004 22:13

So this is what I do, you know, instead of studying for the tests that could save me $20,000 in college expenses by allowing me to enter as a Sophomore...

No matter how many reports on Mumia Abu-Jamal I read, no matter how many commercials for malnourished children in Haiti run across my television screen juxtaposed with episodes of MTV Cribs, I somehow retain my hope for the world- that people will evolve, that the rain forest won't be permanently covered by a huge cement blanket, that all Gandhi and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the millions of others throughout history have fought for won't have been in vain.

And yet along comes my dad, and with one sentence he's able to bring me to a state of complete disillusionment. It's like he knows how highly I've regarded him my entire life, how he's the one person in the world I see as worth caring about, and he's decided to prove to me that all such emotions are completely worthless, foolish and false. Everything he represents in my mind, everything my current status as a human being is built off of: nothing more than romantic exaggerations of a man who wants nothing more than a bottle of wine each night with dinner and for his daughter's hair to be smooth and shiny.
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