OOC = [relationships]

Apr 03, 2009 02:42


These are just the relationships here on luceti. Nobody really cares about the ones outside, right? xD;

Alphabetically, since it's easier. And the colored heart is kinda a friendship gauge. Red, orange, and yellow are on good terms (though red is love, so that's kinda... impossible to hit if you aren't Yuna. xD). Green is neutral. Blue and purple are dislike.


[Yes, just orange. Don't argue with me. rofl... Anyway, Angeal. They had a pretty fast friendship. Fairly early on, either just before or right at the start of January's second experiment, they established a sort of trust. Like... Both have too much dignity to show weakness in front of anyone else, so they've got this mutual understanding going on. He spent that sick experiment at her place, then they got paired for Valentine's Day... A month later, and they're still getting over the insanely awkward aftereffects of that one. Yeesh.]
[meetings: VII]


[They've only met once, but he seemed kind enough. Mun is too intimidated to talk to him further.]
[meetings: I]


[She's not really a super child-friendly person, but Emil is a pretty cute kid. He's sweet, too, concerned with her when she was sick and whatnot. She's offered to cook for hum a couple of times when his Richter wasn't cooking so well, but he's not yet had a chance to come over.]
[meetings: IV]


[They met on her first outing, and Fina was rather kind to her, though they don't know each other well enough to be considered 'friends' quite yet.]
[meetings: I]


[Apparently, they're neighbors. (House 26 is Lulu's, 27 is Gelda's.) Their conversation was brief, but Gelda offered the usual 'I'm your neighbor, so feel free to ask me for anything you need,' so Lulu made sure she'd remember Gelda more than, say, some random one-timer.]
[meetings: I]


[She's not sure what to think about Grune. The two of them have met twice, but she doesn't recall Lulu in the slightest. Lulu takes no offense, of course... Grune seems to just be that sort of person. They got into a pretty interesting discussion about why exactly the sky might be crying, if that says anything. rofl...]
[meetings: II]


[She's only met Jenny once, and that one was pretty short. She appreciates the kind 'welcome', though she wasn't sure that 'welcome' was the proper sentiment at the time.]
[meetings: I]


[They've met twice, once in introduction and once in which they discussed the stars. She's rather fascinated by what he's said of his own world's night sky, but not enough to question him on it further.]
[meetings: II]


[They've met once, discussed Yuna's not-yet-arrival. Luc seemed intelligent and kind enough, though, that Lulu wouldn't mind talking again.]
[meetings: I]


[Merryweather was the first person Lulu met here, so she appreciated the introduction to Luceti, but she doesn't know her all that well.]
[meetings: II]


[The one time they talked, they got into a pretty deep conversation about timelines and Luceti's involvement in them. It gave Lulu a lot to think about.]
[meetings: I]


[It's a high yellow, though. Just a couple more conversations will do it. He, like Angeal and Zexion but to a lesser degree, is someone she trusts for intelligent conversation and a reliable opinion. Regal seems like a kind and compassionate guy, someone who wants the best for everyone, which is something Lulu can relate to.]
[meetings: IV]


[She respects Rikku very much from when they were in Spira, as Rikku's spirits were part of what kept Yuna going. However, she's not sure about Rikku here in Luceti. This Rikku is from the future, and has changed a good deal since Lulu's time. To the point where her new friends here seem to take priority over even Yuna. She's a little iffy about Rikku currently, due to the fact that something about her seems to be causing Yuna a lot of pain. Lulu hates it when Yuna hurts.]
[meetings: IV]


[They've only met once, over helping the injured Ruruku, but Lulu was impressed by how helpful she was.]
[meetings: I]


[She's only met Rock once, thinks he's nice enough. No strong feelings either wyay.]
[meetings: I]


[They've met once, discussed how Lulu was adjusting. Rydia suggested that they speak again soon, learn about one another's world, so Lulu intends to do that, when she finds time.]
[meetings: I]


[He was lost in the woods near the beginning, so she went out and rescued him on the way to poke around at the barrier, so she knows him okay, I suppose, but the fact that she hasn't heard from him since kinda keeps him at green.]
[meetings: II]


[She's not sure what to think of him. He's got this really nice side, but then again, he's got that predatory side that flashes when she least expects it but is gone before it's cause for alarm. She was disappointed to see him go, either way.]
[meetings: II]

[wow, I fail, I forgot it]

[Sephiroth seems smart. Lulu has talked to him a few times, mostly business, and she's pretty satisfied with their conversation. Not so sure about his mother, though.]
[meetings: III]


[They've only met once, but if they ever spoke again, I bet they'd be pretty okay friends. Though they've, as I said, only spoken that once, he was the first and I think only person who seemed to share her not-so-good opinions of getting stuck in Luceti, so of everyone, his impressions of the place were what she'd respected. He seemed very down-to-earth, and she appreciated that.]
[meetings: I]


[He's a high yellow. She doesn't know him super well, but she helped pull him out of his sadness when Seishirou left, so she's felt kinda... not quite protective, but... like she wants to help him, make sure he's alright, from then on out. So they're friends, but not quite good friends yet.]
[meetings: III]


[They've only met once, but Suoh seemed nice enough. Good feelings, but not enough to be yellow quite yet.]
[meetings: I]


[Tia Dalma is... eccentric, in Lulu's opinion, but she has a sense of confident maturity that earns her Lulu's respect.]
[meetings: I]


[She doesn't care about Tidus nearly as much as she cares about Yuna, but Tidus is still someone she cares about. He's a pretty solid orange. She keeps an eye on his well-being, too, and he's living with her and Yuna, so that should say something. She's being pretty lenient on his affections for Yuna because at this point, Yuna's happiness is top priority.]
[meetings: III]


[Well. It would have been blue if they'd parted ways right after she shot the silly creeper out of that tree, but he provided some okay conversation, so she's got no problem talking to him again. She's a little wary of him, though. He seems smart but mischievous, which is often the wrong combination.]
[meetings: II]


[Yuna's like the little sister Lulu never had (though she wouldn't say that out loud), but at the same time, she's got this incredible sense of duty to protect her that goes beyond just the sisterly feeling. At current point, as it has been since Yuna arrived and as it probably will be for as long as Yuna's here, the Summoner's happiness is her first priority, far above her own. If you mess with Yuna, you're in for a world of hurt.]
[meetings: IV]


[They've only met once, but she remembers him because he, too, seems to have Aeons in his world, though they're called something else. Chocobos, too, and moogles. This world correlation fascinates her, but she's not had a chance to discuss it with him further.]
[meetings: I]


[Zexion is one of her better friends here in Luceti. He never fails to provide some intelligent conversation or advice. She trusts him, to some degree. Trusts his opinion entirely, but also trusts him as a person. When will he tell her he's got no heart?]
[meetings: VI]

If she's met your character and you're not on here, let me know. It's way too late for coherency, so please forgive me. ♥

**ooc, !hmd

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