1. You're born. You're given a name. If you had the option to go back in time and change your name to whatever you wanted, what would you name yourself?
- I wouldn't ._.
2. If you had the means to start a business, ANY business, what type of business would you establish? What would you name it?
- Anime/manga store. It would be...Rejapanamation. Rah!
3. What's your view on online journaling?
- They're a lot easier to update than real diaries; I hate writing stuff out, so typing is much more convinient for me.
4. What is the one thing you've never heard said to you that you wish would be said?
- "No matter what your academic situation my be, my daughter, I accept that you are truly doing your best!"
5. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?
- My three first place awards for my poems.
6. What is your greatest defeat?
- That doujinshi I lost on eBay to this SONOVABITCH who bid at the LAST FUCKING SECOND RAAAAHRARARA!
7. Who was your favorite Monkee?
- ...the hell?!
8. If you could have grown up with any family, other than the one you did, which family would you have been raised with?
- My own fits me the best.
9. Tell a complete story in five sentences.
- There once was a--damn, I'm out of time.
10. If you could spend one single day in the company of your exact clone, what would you do with and/or say to yourself?
- "Get over yourself."
11. What is one of your "some day" goals? (i.e. some day I will...)
- Someday I'll visit Japan!
12. Why are you filling out this survey?
- Because I'm supposed to be writing.
13. List the first three words that come to your mind.
14. State one fact that hardly anyone knows about you.
- The fact that I love yaoi. Only Meagan and my LJ friends know that.
15. State one fact that everyone in the world knows about you.
- I'm loud.
16. What is the one thing you've always wanted to say to a certain person, but haven't? Who is that person?
- "Go to hell." Mom.
17. What one online journaller do you look up to and admire the most? Why?
myth720, becuase she's justsofreakingcool!
18. Can you honestly, beyond a doubt, state that you journal online without any censorship or concern as to who is reading the details of your mind?
- I censor nothing. NOTHING!
19. What is one sexual position/experience/situation that you've always wanted to try, but haven't? Why haven't you?
- Well, there are a few things that have popped into my head, yes. Why havn't I? Beucase I'm a God-fearing twelve-year-old, dammit!
20. How do you feel about people who write about their sex lives in intricate detail in their journals?
- It's their journal, they can write whatever the hell they want.
21. What is your favourite animal to visit at the zoo?
- Red panda. They cool.
22. What is one scenario that you've never been in, but would love to construct?
- Fooling dad into thinking he's hit one of my friends. ^_^
23. What pet have you never had, but always wanted?
24. What is the one area on your body that you ache to have touched, but it seldom gets any attention?
- My head. I like it when people scratch my scalp like I'm a puppy, but DON'T TELL ANYONE SSHHHHH!
25. What is one of your worst memories from childhood?
- The first day after mom and dad got divorced. I went to stay with daddy and I was in the tub when all of a sudden I burst out, "I want my mommy!" and started crying. I must have made my dad feel so unloved.
Teen years?
- As soon as those roll around I'll tell you.
Adult years?
- *Points to previous answer*
26. What is the most vivid memory from childhood?
- The day mommy and daddy still lived together and were screaming at eachother. It was very sad.
From Teen years
- ....
From Adulthood
- ......
27. What is your idea of heaven? Hell?
- *shrug*
28. If you were asked to be on any of the "dating" shows, such as Blind Date, Change of Heart, Star Dates, etc. would you do it? Write the script for your introductory profile.
- No.
29. If you could be on any reality television show, such as Survivor, The Bachelor, The Real World, Big Brother, etc., which one would you chose and why?
- No.
30. If you could add any question on to this survey, what would it be? Add it to the end of the survey.
- What's the best sound in the world?
31. Name the dream trip you'd like to take and why?
32. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
- Probably the time Audrey found a rather...umr...explict yaoi pic of mine. >_> Oh dear.
33. How would you like to be remembered?
- An amazing author.
34. What's your happiest memory from childhood, teen years, adulthood?
- My trip to San Fran. Dude, that rocked.
35. If you could take back one action you've done, what would it be?
- Too many to name. >___>
36. What's one altruistic gesture that you'd never been able to make, and why not?
- Al-wah?
37. What animal best describes your personality?
- A prarie dog. Raaaahr.
38. What is your definition of love?
- love \luhv\ n a strong affection based on admiration or benevolence.
39. What are your opinions on oral sex?
- It is fun to watch/rade oral yaoi. o_o yummy.
40. What anime/manga character do you identify with most?
- Naruto becuase I'm a loud, hyper, attention-seeking, ball of somewhat disturbing energy!
41.Why did you get a blog in the first place?
- Irene had one and I've always wanted I used to want to be like her. *nods*
42. What are your current obsessions?
- Naruto, yaoi, the computer, and Japan
43. What is the best sound in the world?
- The sound a vaccum cleaner makes when it vaccums something up.