Emangsters win at life.

Jan 12, 2007 07:54

(The emangster thing, if you're wondering, is at the bottom in the Macy's paragraph. XD)

So. I had about a trillion and a half random things to ramble on about last night, but then I got lazy because it would have taken me forever to type them all up and no one really cares anyway. But I watched the first episode of Hana Yori Dango Returns, and it was teh kute! Must watch the second one. And I still need to watch Byakkotai, but there aren't subs yet and I can never seem to find a time when my parents aren't around and I feel like concentrating hard on it to actually understand it. XD

ANYWAY. So I got my first migraine ever last night/this morning. My head was kind of hurting all evening yesterday and then it got really bad last night, so I went to bed at 1 hoping that by the time I woke up it would be gone. Ha ha, NO. I woke up at 5:30, my head hurting all kinds of bad, and every time I moved or had my head lying the wrong way on the pillow it got worse. Whenever I turned on my side my stomach got upset, too. XP So I took a trip to the pain medication and tried to go back to sleep (didn't work). But then, all of a sudden, it just kinda poofed away at around 6:45 (maybe because I was listening to NewS? Yamapi cured me! LAWL), so I got up and was so excited that I felt better that I went and shoveled snow as the sun came up (at least I think it did, it was kinda behind a bunch of clouds). I looked up info on migraines and it seems that I got a good one (if any migraine can be called good, which I seriously doubt), since I didn't freak out at light and sound or anything and I didn't have little spots of light floating around in front of my eyes or anything. But I got REALLY hyper after it went away, and apparently that's an aftereffect that some people have! I mean I was singing along at the top of my lungs to Yamapi's songs and giggling and running around like I was on speed or something. And I screamed aloud a couple of times when I saw a post in a forum that NewS is going on tour and releasing a single while I'll be in Japan. Now, this wasn't exactly news to me, since I had already seen that exact same post the other day.

But SERIOUSLY, what is WITH this weather? It's like the sky over the entire country had gone crazy! First we get masses of snow here (only a quarter of an inch fell last night, THANK HEAVENS) while the rest of the country had a freak heat wave, and now everyone's freezing and there are ice storms and California is 30 degrees. We're still colder though, HA! When I got up and it was still dark it was 2 degrees outside; the sun came up and it fell to 0 degrees. That's like... -17 degrees C or something. -_- BUT the weather looks like it'll be good when I leave, so WOO!

AND HOLY COWMONKIES, EXACTLY ONE WEEK FROM NOW MY PLANE WILL BE 20 MINUTES FROM TAKING OFF. *head explode* I'm not even sure what a cowmonky is, but apparently it's holy. XDD

So Tuesday and Wednesday overnight Kelsey and I worked overnight at Macy's to do inventory and WOW. It was like Florida in election season, I swear. Scan and then count and then recount and then sometimes recount again if the first count was off. It wasn't that hard, just REALLY tedious. And I was sleepy because I was having to pay attention to things until 5 in the morning. And they kept shushing us like we were in elementary school. I didn't get shushed the first night because I got separated from Kelsey and the other two people I know who were doing it, so I was stuck trying to amuse myself. But on the second night after I finished doing the china (which I DIDN'T break XD) I went and found everyone down in Men's. Kelsey and I and three other girls were cracking up because first one found a rainbow striped shirt that was TOTALLY what a gay boy would wear and then I realized that the shirts I was scanning were all G-unit shirts. So we tried to figure out what the end result would be if an emo kid and a gangster had a child. The result: an emangster. Unfortunately, before we could figure out exactly what said emangster would wear, we were told to be quiet. Now, we were standing just outside whatever the men's equivalent of juniors is at the time, and there was (absolutely terrible) music BLASTING out of the speakers. Really, were we that bad compared to Justin Timberlake's "I'm Bringing Sexy Back" and a ton of other stuff that we couldn't even figure out what it was? I think not. And as the night progressed and we got closer to finishing everything people were getting kind of excited, because we were going to get off sometime before 4 as opposed to 5. So a lot of people were chatting and the head lady started yelling at everyone through a bullhorn that she could hear people across the department and they wanted silence so they could finish their fixture. Needless to say, all the younger people were getting annoyed.

Well, my strange hyper spell is wearing off and I'm tired, so I'm going back to bed. OHEMGEE I have to call Liz today and say "Seven days" in a creepy voice. XD Once I wake up, anyway.


Edit: Alix, you'll get a kick out of this: I had to get a new iPod (well, I didn't HAVE to, but I did anyway- I could have paid to get my mini fixed, but I wanted a new one even though I shouldn't have spent the money), so I bought an iPod nano red. I named it iRoh. HAIL, OZAI!

/end Avatardedness

avatar, dorama, japan

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