So I was getting ready to go buy rice from the Asian market today when my dad and I found our family's last remaining cat, Kahi, dead on the sofa in the front room. :(
It looked like she died in her sleep, and there wasn't sign of a struggle or anything, but I was the first to see her and my heart just sank when I realized that her eyes weren't moving, and then my dad touched her and she didn't move and we picked her up and she was all stiff. But she wasn't sick, and she was happy last night, dashing around and playing and enjoying herself like usual. I'm just REALLY glad that I came home last night so I could see her again and I was here with my mom. Kahli was mostly Mom's cat, but we all loved her and even my dad cried when we buried her.
Kahli, died January 7th, 2008
Looking prissy, as usual. She was such a weird cat, she really was. XD
Ghost, vanished Thanksgiving week, 2007
A stray cat we adopted when he had an injury from a fight, and he stayed with us once he was well again. Our time with him was short, but he was a great cat. :)
Myst, my most beloved cat, vanished Thanksgiving week, 2006
If my soulmate were a cat, it would've been Myst. ♥ Love you and miss you, and always will.
We went to an animal shelter today to look at the cats (it's kind of a tradition - when a cat dies with us, which is rare, we go to the shelter that day. That's how we got Myst, the afternoon that we put Babbitt to sleep). Didn't get one, though there were a couple we liked. One was a grey calico, and she was cute. I really liked a black cat with bits of brown, but then she got really hyper and tried to eat me and then when I opened the cage she got scared and hid underneath her blanket. There was also a white cat I liked, but it looked like it had some sort of deformity because it stood weirdly a lot of the time. I dunno. Anyway, we're going to another shelter or two tomorrow after Mom gets off work. It's really weird being without ANY cats in this house. When we got back from the shelter my dad kept looking over at the cat food thinking that Kahli would be there.
Two cats missing and one dead in a little over a year. :( We're all okay, just sad and upset. Telling Mom when she got back from work was really hard.
Edit: AND I just lost an auction for a Tokidoki purse at the last minute.
It was such a great deal, and I lost in the last three seconds, literally!