bugger Originally uploaded by
threw_a_spark. Today, today was all about planting seeds, sowing little objects and then hoping like hell something'll come out of it. I spent several hours in the backyard with my lovely Garden Technical Advisor, and we dug deep into the fresh soil, weeding out motley green dandelions and sifting through the dirt for broken bones and bits of glass. I terraced the area between the tree and the bush, and we planted Leeks, Lettuce, Beets, Spinach, Onions, and Cucumbers. Here's to high hopes for future produce. I went on a destructive spading rampage around the sides of the house, clawing up dead grass and stirring up the ground in hopes of more green fertility. There were lots and lots of these bright red cocoon carapace shell things, and we flung them far and wide in order to discourage whatever grubby thing emerges. Squirming pink worms, and astonishingly crawly things with legs up to here and and pale brown stripes scuttering all around (I direct your attention to the upper left-hand corner of the picture). I think I love earthworms. They're so naked and fresh and clean, and you know that whatever they're doing is pure and has an almost holy sense of connection to the layers of dirt they wriggle through. Mildly warm, humid, with drops of rain falling inexplicably from the sky.
Also, I wrote a letter. Put a stamp on it. Prepared it to send.