In which she feels she is (not so) slowly becoming a redneck...

Mar 26, 2007 16:44

So that plan my roommate and I had to go out to a bar Saturday night? Failed miserably. Initially, we were going to go out right after she got home from work and changed. Then, Brad decided to come over for a "little while" (we were kinda thinking a half-hour, or so), and then we'd go. Well, that "little while" quickly became about two hours. By this time, it's already after one, last call is at two, and the place we were originally going to go was about 40 or so minutes away. So, we opt to go to a place nearby, JR's, to be exact, which is sorda like a western saloon, only nobody very few people are wearing chaps.

Unfortunately, it turns out that Saturday happened to be Stetson Night, so all these obnoxious college kids were there, as was this girl we both work with, (who, despite being of great girth, prefers wearing clothing that skinny chicks would be uncomfortable in). Said fatty was also dancing, and when that much bulk moves, it's both disgusting and mesmerizing.

Needless to say, we both got tired of the place pretty quickly, and ended up leaving about five minutes later. Whereupon we came back to the apartment, cracked open a few Smirnoffs (Twisted V - Arctic Berry), and came to the sad realization that one six pack could last us months.

Now, Sunday's plan to go four wheeling turned out better than the previous night, although that too had some (no pun intended) holes in it. We got out to the trails pretty early, just after ten. Brad had his gigantic monstrosity of an ATV, and Chris had his smaller (almost kiddie size) Honda. The first twenty minutes or so were great. We were going wonderfully fast, kicking up dirt every which way, getting crap in our faces, and even managed to spot a poisonous snake. (I find this exciting.) But then, something went terribly wrong.

We get out to this one area where the trail (partially overgrown with grass) runs directly under some heavy-duty electric wires. Then we notice a whole buncha mud pits that don't seem too bad, so Brad and Katie decide to ride straight through 'em. (Chris, who I was riding behind, chose not to, since as previously stated, his four wheeler is about this big.) At this point, everything is still going fine.

Then we get to another hole (the last one, of course) that doesn't look all that deep, so again, Brad heads straight for it. They get about halfway through when, lo and behold, they stop moving. Turns out the hole was over twice as deep as it looked on the surface, and filled with this insanely thick, though by no means easy to get through, watery mud. Picard ain't exaggerating when he says how deep we were in it.

In the first few attempts to try and dislodge the thing, Brad sunk in well past his knees, (as we all did, eventually). It seriously reminded me of the Swamps of Sadness from NeverEnding Story. Seemed the harder we tried to free it, the worse it got. Took us at least two and a half hours to get it out, and the only reason we got it at that point was that Brad finally decided to go and get his pick up to pull it out. (It seemed that being stuck was the theme of the day, as when we were leaving Katie's truck got lodged in the sand dunes and had to be towed/pushed to free it.)

So now my muscles are having conniption fits from all the punishment they took trying to get that sucker back on dry land, my (fore)arms and face are sunburned from the hours we spent out in the open trying to fix the situation (worst part is that it's not even an even burn, but all splotchy thanks to the mud I had smeared all over me), and I still have dried mud all around/inside my fingernails and in the dry cracks of my fingers. And this is after I scrubbed at them for an hour solid.

Whats totally sad is that I'd be more than willing to do it again.

[EDIT: This has got to be one of the most amusing things I've done in a while.]

roommate, not a redneck, edits, atv-ing, rl, fun-time links, ouch, old school, mudding

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