In which she seems to be getting a life...

Mar 23, 2007 22:00

First off, a poll...
Poll SWW

Things I'm currently thankful for:
1. Making fabulous use of the three days off (in-a-row) I just came off of, especially since they followed 7 in-a-row working
2. A functioning washer/dryer
3. (Following the previous:) Clean laundry/towels
4. That I didn't have an anxiety/panic attack at my sister's wedding the other day
5. That I finally renewed my Seasonal Pass with Disney

Things I currently need to do or DIE:
1. Deposit the uncashed paychecks sitting on my desk into my bank so I can...
2. Pay my bills, and also
3. Get my transmission fluid changed, along with
4. Replacements for two or my four tires
5. Find a man (because I've spent 21 years single and it's time for change)

ION, it appears that Saturday night Katie and I may go out to a bar. (Which leaves me asking what exactly one wears to a bar, seeing as I've never actually been to one before.) Of course, we're still unsure if we're even going, as Brad (a friend of hers from work) may come over that night.

And it looks as if Sunday morning will be my first taste of redneck life, as myself, Katie, the-same Brad, and Chris (another kid from work) are all going four-wheelin'. Which has got to be one of the most redneck things people do.

roommate, famous people, polls, rl, work, lists, disney, help, to-do

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