So even though I really need to go over to my dad's house to do laundry, because I have no clean clothes, I find myself sitting on my ass combing through YouTube looking for DCI footage. And on the way, lo and behold, I find
blast! clips.
Now in the past I know I've raved about this show, and while some of you know what I'm talking about, no doubt others are still completely clueless as to how totally badass this shit is. So, in order to remedy this, I present (more or less), the entire fucking show. (Keep in mind that videos don't exactly do justice to the show, but hey, it's better than nothing.) Enjoy.
[EDIT: Unfortunately, watching all this has made me infinitely depressed over the fact that I haven't marched (much less played a decent instrument) in nearly five years. So now on top of feelings of nostalgia, I'm trying to figure out ways to convince my bosses to let me have two days off, every other weekend so that I can join
Heat Wave. I know it'll never come to fruition, but I'll end up making myself sick over it anyway.]
Color Wheel
Split Complimentaries - While I could find no footage of this, I was able to upload a copy of the song from the show's album. The title is played entirely on baritone and mellophone, and can be found
Everybody Loves the Blues
Simple Gifts/Appalachian Spring
Battery Battle
Color Wheel Too - Alas, no video could be found. It's pretty much a "remix"/different version of 'Color Wheel'.
Gee Officer Krupke
Lemon Techno - It's only a small fraction of the actual song, and the video is poor quality, but at least it gives you a general idea... (I'm also including the
full song from the album, for better effect.)
Tangerinamadidge - Once again, I couldn't find a video. It's basically about a dozen or more didgeridoos spread all around the theatre (stage, orchestra, balcony, box seats, etc.) playing off each other (not to mention the audience) and throwing their sound in different directions. I'd upload a sound file if I could find one, but sadly this is one of the songs left off the soundtrack.
Land of Make Believe - Being one of the most well known songs from the show, I find it hard to believe that there is no clip for this selection. But, it appears, thats just the case. Here's a link to
download the song.
Spirit of the Earth: Marimba Spiritual/Earth Beat
If by any chance
you dweebs would like a copy of the entire album, just comment and it'll be up.
[EDIT: Had to Cut this entry for my own sanity, since it kept freezing my screen each time I tried to view my journal.]