In which she brings tidings from the ground...

Feb 04, 2007 17:07

*scrambles in LJ, dusting wet leaves and what-not off shoulders*

Well, the good news is that my family/house/car/place-of-employment/etc. made it through the slew of Central Florida tornadoes unscathed. Although we did come close. The route I take to work everyday just opened back up this morning, and there's a quarter-mile stretch that isn't even recognizable.

Image 7 (guy in the polo shirt crying) of the Weather Channel's slideshow is used to be a huge shopping center. (One rumor going around town is that while the storm struck, the overnight baking crew at the Dunkin Donuts (image 9) was at work when the roof got sucked off, taking one of the employees with it, who (last I heard, anyways) has yet to be found. There's really no telling how believeable this story is, and although it does seem a bit far-fetched, tornadoes have been known to pull that kinda crap.) I might try going out later to get a few images/footage of my own, but I'll probably wait until the police presence has died down a bit.

It's kind of weird looking in the papers the past couple days. They're starting to publish the names/pictures of some of the people who died in the storms, and a few of them I recognize, whether they're regular customers we get at work, or the lady who used to work in Lay-away over at Wal*Mart. I didn't know them very well, so I can't really say that I'm sad, but it's still... weird.

The only bit that does get me a little worried is that my Grampa's sister lives in Lady Lake, which was completely trashed, and the last I had heard is that nobody had heard anything from her yet. (And judging by the looks of it, it could be a while before much of anything comes out of Lady Lake.) So in that respect, any praying, focused meditating, or whatever it is you guys do would be greatly appreciated, not just for her but for everyone.


ION, do not, I repeat, DO NOT see Epic Movie. Not like I was expecting much out of it, but the only thing that made it even slightly worth seeing was George McFly Crispin Glover totally pwning the part of Willy Wonka. (Johnny Depp who?)

DO, on the other, see Pan's Labyrinth. Awesome, awesome, awesome. That is all.


IOON, dood prying_pandora: tour dates for a certain parody-ist(?) have been released. Are we doin' this or what?

concerts, family, links, flist: gen, weather, movies, flist: prying_pandora, rl, weird al, tornadoes

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