In which she wants to know why St. Patty gets all the damn attention, what about St. Andy?...

Mar 12, 2006 17:56

Woot! Despite the fact that I'm still sick (absolutely no voice, and when I do have it I sound like a 13 year-old boy going through puberty), have three more days to go until my next day off, and have a wedding to take part in in exactly one week (minus a few hours), I can't help but feel positively excited. Why, you ask?


Ahem. Yep, it's next month, buddy. And although I am a little bit miffed over the lack of Off Kilter (early rumors were placing them back here for the second year in a row, but alas, they're still playing Epcot (Canada, to be exact)), I can't wait to hear this year's headliner, Prydein. *adds another band to growing list in genre* (Hooray, for kiltrock!)

Now, if only I could settle on one of my fifty-million Scotland shirts to wear...

*Side note - Listen up bitches, I'ma calling outs to yas. If any of you guys have got a myspace account, would you mind addin' a girl? I'm not on there too much, but, y'know, only having a very small amount of friends seems kinda lame.

myspace, concerts, kiltrock, links, flist: gen, clothes, scottish festival, bands, eep!, rl, music, scottishness, help

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