In which she does a quick change of pace...

Nov 22, 2008 02:15


But, y'know, Bill Nighy is in it. So I kinda have to.


Anyway, in more serious matters, Josh's dad is going into open heart surgery within the next day or two. Apparently he overexerted himself the other day while doing yard work (which he shouldn't have been doing anyway) and the resulting chest/arm pains were enough to make him eat his nitro like it was candy. Well, given his history (numerous heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, Agent Orange, and pretty much everything in the book), Josh took him down to the emergency room just to be on the safe side. Long story short, they figured his two main arteries have something like 95% blockage in one and 70% in the other.

So yeah. I think all the final details are gonna be worked out with the VA tomorrow morning. Last I heard they were doing the procedure up in Ormond. Josh and the rest of his family seems to be doing fine, I guess because they're all more or less used to this as it's more of a headache for them, paperwork wise. But as always, keeping them in your thoughts and prayers would be extremely appreciated.

father of my children, dude: jg, trailers, links, flist: gen, movies, rl, help, cartoons

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