In which she has a short update on the sitch...

Nov 30, 2007 04:01

So #2, JG, the New Guy, whatever you'd like to call him came over last night about eight-ish to watch a movie. Me and my natural overabundance of indecisiveness chose to let him pick out the title. His choice?

Newsies. Motherfucking Newsies. A friggin' DISNEY MUSICAL!

He was all "Yeah, Katie was making fun of you a while ago because you had the soundtrack. I didn't say anything 'cause in my head I was like '*sniff* That used to be my favorite movie back in the day. *snuffle*'"

Dead serious, yo.

Although he didn't end up staying for the whole thing. About 9:30 or so he noticed I was starting to doze in and out (being awake for nigh on 40 hours without sleep will do that to you I hear), and felt bad since I had to be up at three in the morning today.

But we did manage to half-ass some plans for us to go mudding after I get out of work later today (I get out at three), where he'll probably try to make me get behind the wheel of the truck. (My poor vision has given me a No Big Vehicles Policy (hence, why I drive a Hyundai), and he knows I'd probably crap my pants if I tried driving his monster truck. Who knows, if I'm feeling crazy enough I just might do it.)

And speaking of 'monster', this shit is addicting as balls. Y'ALL WANT SOME CRAAAAAAAAAAAAACK, Y/Y? You pound down three of those bitches and it feels like your heart will quite literally explode. (I've yet to brave more than three a day (seriously, it physically hurts my chest), but one day I plan on breaking my record. And maybe getting some Kahlua to mix it with (Mudslides, more than likely).)

Plus, I've found/added a SHIT TON more people to my family tree, which is so totally WEEN it's not even funny. I'm definitely liking this online genealogy biznass.

dude: jg, not a redneck, newsies, links, drinks (na), rl, driving, genealogy, mudding

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