In which she is only American outside of the bathroom...

Nov 15, 2007 04:02

Update on the previous: The overall "WTF WHY AM I WOOZY?" feelings eventually went away. Plus, Austin (who was working the cash office tonight) was nice enough to switch jobs with me because I felt like such shit. I also managed to sneak some booze in on me after my break (so I mixed a bit of Mike's Hard Lime with some Mt. Dew; it all worked out fine), and got so stressed out that I needed to take a smoke break. Which is a sure sign that things are bad because I don't smoke (unless I'm super ass drunk, which I wasn't). But once again, the Black & Milds came to my rescue and all was (eventually) slightly better.

Now, back to life (baaack tooo REEaaaaluuhteee...).

Man, internet genealogy is one addicting as all get-out hobby. I just started an attempt to piece together an online tree over at Ancestry.Com (which meant I has to buy a subscription membership in order to get anything useful *grumble grumble*), but so far it's turning out pretty good for me. Especially consider that all I had to start with was the names of my parents' grandparents, no dates or anything beyond that. Now though, it's not looking too bad.

Not only am I finding out quite a bit in terms of the wheres and whens (example, apparently back in ye olde European days (in other words, the late 1800s/early 1900s) we liked to move around a lot: a French dude met a German chick and decided to head off to Poland), but if my research is correct then I apparently have yet another nationality to add to my card: Austrian. That makes about eight or nine, if I'm figuring/remembering correctly.

I also sort of noticed how the women on my mothers side of the family like to pass down their first names. My great-great-great grandmother gave (one of?) her daughter(s) her name, my grandmother was named after her mother, and I was kinda named after not my mother, but my aunt (her sister); we share the same middle name.

One of the real kickers for me though is seeing some of the names. For example, one of my father's great grandfathers is named (I shit you not) Wiser. A not-so-small part of me secretly hopes he had a brother named Bud. and apparently one of my mom's grandmothers was named Georgia Weed, which sounds sort of like a variety of pot. Speaking of which, I could totally use some right about now. Plus, I never thought I would say this, but I HAVE A LUDWIG IN MY FAMILY, BWAHAHAHAHAAAAHA.

Though I really wish someone could tell me where the heck the name 'Marcinkouska' is from. The intrawebz have no answers, none I tell you!

As a side note, I have a question pertaining to my current icon. *points up* It's the clan crest of the Frasers of Lovat (mah main clan (I R SKTTSH, HR ME ROR!)), and currently my number one choice of tattoo once I get the money (not to mention BALLS) saved up. Question is, what you you all think? (For those curious, the inscription (aka clan motto) reads 'Je suis prest', which more or less means 'I am ready'. I think it's pretty badass.)


[EDIT: Forgot to mention... This will more than likely be my last entry for a while, as my roommate (in an attempt to get us the hell out of Dodge ASAP) is bringing over the U-Haul tomorrow for all the left over boxes, big furniture, and appliance type things (including the computer). Once we get settled in the new house I should be up fairly quickly though, seeing as we've got that whole internet = TV = phone = WE CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THESE THINGS YANNO? So hopefully I won't be gone too long.But just in case, Seacreast Simpson OUT!]

tattoo(s), roommate, meds, polls, moving, rl, scottishness, genealogy, family, wtf?, links, edits, med, drinking, flist: gen, ancestry, work, internet life, help

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