In which she brings some speculative fandom news...

Aug 07, 2007 15:01

I don't know how many of you have seen this already, but *fanfare* Hana is back!

For some unknown reason I decided to look at the Heroes Official MySpace today (which I don't do very often because just looking at the topics that are posting on their message board sickens me), I see the words HANNAS BACK (complete with misspelling), click it, read through, and sure enough it's real.

Seriously, check out her site if you don't believe me.

Now, a few points. First off, this confirms what was hinted at in the last few pages of 'The Death of Hana Gitelman - Part 2', (y'know, when she was "talking" to Micah). Death isn't something that can easily defeat her. Also evidenced in her second most recent entry on her site:

If the brain is like a computer, can the software... the mind... be installed on a new machine when the body gives way and dies? What if that mind is already in harmony with the world's computer systems?

I don't fully understand what has happened, but somehow, in some way, I am still here... with you.


Also, I checked my Gmail (secondary to my Yahoo! account), which is where I get all my Heroes 360 updates, and sure enough I was greeted with this message:
Article of Interest

Things have changed a bit. I can see more from where I am now. Visit my site @

It's time to begin again....


Now, this can either mean that, (as I was speculating/hoping for) they're planning on turning Hana into some (nearly) all-powerful internet goddess type thing, very similar to Jane in Orson Scott Card's Enderverse, who's newly heightened hacking abilities are so LEET not even Chloe O'Brian can compete. [/cross-fandom hack war] In the email she even says herself: "I can see more from where I am now."

OR, looking directly at Hana's entry, one could say that she may possibly be back in physical form. I mean, the first line: "If the brain is like a computer, can the software... the mind... be installed on a new machine when the body gives way and dies?" I totally see that as someone saying "Ooh, looky here! On one hand, we have a body with no mind. On the other hand, we have a mind with no body? What should we do? Wait, I know! *fuse*"

Yes, they did it in X-MEN. But they weren't the first. It's a tested and true element in comic/sci-fi storytelling that I personally would LOVE to see them try on 'Heroes'. Anyone equally excited? Bueller? Bueller?

But wait! That's not all!

That newspaper article in the top entry. [LINK HERE.] It's in Spanish, so I can't dissect it. There's a very hackneyed translation here, (again on the Heroes MySpace), but it makes very little sense. If any of you could translate it I'd throw lots of pants pantaloons and children at you.

*train of thought derails*

Anyway, reading over what messy translation is there, I (believe I) can safely say that it has something to do with Maya and Alejandro, and whatever they're power(s) might be. The article sure doesn't help much in terms of dropping hints.

In semi-related news, given the most recent graphic novel (Golden Handshake - Part 3) I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the female character. Which means it's time for a POLL!


myspace, links, flist: gen, polls, heroes, quotes, 24, spoilers, help, comics, theories

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