In which she justs wants to change names...

Aug 06, 2007 00:09

Okay, something is seriously wrong with photobucket. All I want to do is switch from my regular account to the one I use for all my icons. AND IT IS NOT LETTING ME. *angry fist shake of doom*

At first it lets me log out of the one (complete with all the standard "You've successfully logged out!" messages), but then when I hit the 'log in' button to sign in with my other username, its taking it like I'm a guest wanting to view my regular account. Which it shouldn't be doing since I have it set to private.

Then when I hit the button to go to the home page to just start over, it has my regular account SIGNED IN.


Also, I'm experimenting with Semagic right now, so hopefully this will show up at my other journals. *crosses fingers*

[EDIT: Okay, for some reason it didn't post to GJ ((danger: increase in anger levels imminent)), and I can't find out whether or not it worked with IJ because it's not loading. Probably due to the fact that they're nowhere near equipped to handle the crazy influx of traffic they're getting nowadays.]

internet, lj, photobucket, gripes, edits, gj, ij

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