In which she (for once) is glad to be older...

Jun 18, 2007 09:49


First, I must say THANK YOU to all my wonderful woobies who left me berfday greetings, whether it was here on LJ (aurora_84, canadian_turtle, cazrolime, chrryblssmninja
, cuteelf14, failed_flight, freetheelves2, ilovetbag24, jadeblood, lacrymosa_star, mabetini, the folks over at ubergeeks, and yemaya29982), on MySpace (Jess, Angela, Pirates of the Great Salt Lake, The HOYBOYS, Marvin, Casey Spacey, and Teresa) etc. You guys are seriously the best ever. *cops a feel*

Yesterday was definitely one of my best, most enjoyable birthdays of recent memory, and I owe it all to my roommate, Katie. That having been said, expect a major filter post in the not too distant future next Sunday AD. Or, as soon as I can catch up on my flist reading.


flist: chrryblssmninja, roommate, flist: yemaya29982, flist: ilovetbag24, flist: mabetini, flist: slantedsunlight, mst3k, flist: hymenchan, rl, flist: jadeblood, flist: lacrymosa_star, myspace, family, flist: canadian_turtle, berfday wishes, flist: gen, comm: ubergeeks, flist: failed_flight, flist: cazrolime, yayness, flist: aurora_84

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