In which she is once again, asking for it...

May 29, 2007 20:48

In regards to the newest issue of the graphic novel, all I have to say is that it's about damn time we get some dirt on the Haitian. Although I'd still like a name. It kinda gets old having to call him "the Haitian" all the time. Soon I'll just start referring to him as tHStStN; lowercase "t"s, optional.

I mean, seriously, his dad gets a friggin' name! Though I'd still like to know exactly what "bliss and horror" entail. Seems a little vague.

Also, this issue's easter egg, is amusingly wrong in so many ways. You've got Milo doing a ridiculous pelvic thrust/airhump (at least that's what I take it as), Adrian, who was either a tree frog, small kitten, or Spider-Man in a past life, and Adrian's spotter doing, well... something.

It kinda inspires me to make one of those motivational posters...

funny shit, pics, gripes, links, heroes, comics

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