In which she feels that she's gotten something done...

May 05, 2007 15:53

Letter meme, from ladylaurelote:

Leave a comment and I'll give you a letter. Then you list 10 things you like starting with that letter. Post them in your journal and give out new letters to your commenters in turn.

I was given the letter M.

1. Marching band - Pretty much the only reason why I stayed in high school for all four years. I still didn't graduate on time, but at least the time I had there ended up being (mostly) enjoyable.
2. Miami Hurricanes - Overall, the BEST college football program of all time. I was raised to be a Cane, in a family full of Canes. Because there is nothing cooler than running through a fog-filled oversized football helmet.
3. 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' - Without a doubt, the funniest thing ever aired over television waves. To this day, I can't wait to sit down for a good riff session with Joel (occasionally Mike) and the bots.
4. movies (in general) - There's no better way to kill a few hours.
5. Monty Python - Whether it be Flying Circus, any number of film spin-offs, recorded albums, or my page-a-day calendar, simply no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
6. (the) Magic Kingdom - The Happiest Place on Earth! Plus, it's home to Pirates, Grim Grinning Ghosts, and the occasionaly walking garbage can. Which next leads me to...
7. - Home of the best online auctions for those hard to find Disney items, from props, set decorations, ride/attraction equipment, hotel/resort furnishings, clothes, pins, etc.
8. Mountain Dew - Honest to God, I cannot make it through a single day without tasting this sweet, sweet nectar of life. It is like crack, only legal, and a helluvalot cheaper.
9. Money - I know it sounds a bit on the shallow side, but really, you can't get on without it. While it may be tight sometimes, I;ve luckily had enough to get by until now, and I'm hoping things stay that way.
10. Mylar - (Oh please, like you didn't see that one coming?!) Because vengeful, Indian scholar/geneticist with daddy issues who occasionally drives a NYC taxi + psychopathic, brain-stealing serial killer with an uncanny likeness to Clark Kent and a fixation for timepieces = the greatest, and most true, canon!slash pairing ever. No matter what those 'Torchwood' fans say.

ION, I've finally made my own custom layout for MySpace. For a first time attempt, I have to say I'm generally pleased with the results. It's not too intricate, but it does it's job. Plus, it let's me look at ZQ in kinda!pajammies. And my possibly!drunk ZQ = rock!god icon thinks that means yayness!

myspace, band, high school, mylar, icons, memes, football, hoyay, tv, mst3k, movies, zach quinto, yayness, money, canes

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