In which she covers the previously covered, 'cause it needs covering...

Apr 24, 2007 00:41


'Heroes', anyone?

So, yeah, tonight was like, best episode ever. Of any TV show. On any network/cable station. In all history. Honestly, I don't even know where to begin. I was originally planning on recapping what I thought of the episode, but really, my brain is so overloaded right now I'm having a hard enough time just trying to keep Sylar away I can't even think, at least until I can manage to find the full episode somewhere online. So instead, I'm going to go back over the points I made in my last entry and gloat about a few of the things I called right.

0:10 - This first one seems pretty obvious. It has to be Isaac, looking at a painting of his own death, apparently by the hands of Sylar.

Totally saw this one coming, but then again, who the fuck didn't? Although I must say that the scene in which it happened definitely redeemed Isaac for me, in terms of his accepting the future and not trying to fight it. And ewww, paintbrush crucifixion makes me wanna gag! (Though how cool was it when Sylar used Isaac's powers to paint his own demented Bizarro-version of the 'Nathan in Oval Office' painting? Very cool!)

0:40 - Matt, and later Ted (using his radiation), apparently trying to break out of OWI's prison/holding cells.

Again, I wasn't the only one who saw this coming, but certain aspects of it were phenominal. The one-way brain conversation where HRG projected his thoughts into Matt's head (and loud enough to wake him up)? Tres cool. Ted, no longer looking like the long-lost Geico caveman and kinda willing to just stay and chill in OWI's prison? Bzuh?! Ted again, this time going only slightly nuclear, just strong enough to give off an EMP? So very inspired by '24'!

0:55 - A meeting between present-Hiro and future-Hiro, taking place inside Isaac's apartment. It appears present-Hiro has his sword drawn.

Okay, so both present-Hirp and future-Hiro had their swords drawn. The scene is now even more badass. And what's the deal with that "timeline"? Methinks either future-Hiro took over Isaac's apartment as a sort of base of operations, and pieced the timeline together so that he could go back and the right moment to make sure things happened in the correct order (and at the right time) they're supposed to occur. Either that or that's not really future-Hiro, but someone quite sinister, with equally sinister plans for the Doctor and his girl present-Hiro and Ando. I only think this because: 1, future-Hiro didn't seem to pleased to see them there; and 2, don't you think future-Hiro would've known they were coming, and would've expected them?

1:09 - One of my fave clips! Peter (possibly sometime in the future), new and improved, and decidedly more badass, walking down a hall and apparently using telekinesis (borrowed from Sylar) and superstrength (which would have to be borrowed from Jessica, though the two have yet to meet) on an armed guard (probably in the employ of OWI.

We didn't get any more information on this little item. I just like to think about it. *cream*

1:46 - President Nathan at a rather large funeral service, (hence the flame being lit in the opening seconds of the trailer). Though for who is still unknown.

Again, nothing more was given here, except that in the preview for next week's episode, the opening narration seems to imply that this is simply AU, and not actual canon. Either way, should be quite interesting.

1:56 - Nathan hugging his daughter Claire for the first time.

Kinda uncomfortable, but 'awwww...' worthy just the same. (And for the love of Mike, somebody please tell us what Mamma Petrelli's power is! Now that the 'Pappa Petrelli had powers! It (kinda) explains everything!"-theory can be laid to rest (thanks to the graphic novels), throwing out this bone is really driving the fans nuts! Does this mean Linderman and Angela had a connection to each other before Linderman and Pappa P were in Nam together? Does every Petrelli have powers? (It's beginning to look that way, as the powers are into (at least) their third generation. Also, I think it'd be safe to assume that Nathan's sons may have some latent powers.))

2:04 - More of future-badass-Peter using his Force skills on armed guards.

Hopefully, his transition from emo!kid to B.A.M.F. (no, that's not a reference to Nightcrawler) won't be as gay as Anakin's was.

2:15 - My guess is either their members of Linderman's entourage, or part of Nathan's Secret Service.

And it's Linderman, FTW!

2:19 - My guess (hope) is that this is Sylar looking up (and astounded) after Peter rises after his attack.

Yes to the first, no to the second. Although it was pretty priceless watching Mohinder throw that rolling map on it. Not to mention how awesome it was when Peter was like "Surprise, bitch! I can re-seal my forehead! And throw you across the room! AND go invisible!" (I also happened to love Sylar's reaction to that. "I can't wait to try that one out." Bwahaha, evil roxors.)

2:41 - Nathan and Mama Petrelli standing over Peter's (for the moment) dead body.

Right, again. And as soon as we found out that the glass shard in the back of his head killed him, (and that Claire was at Wayne Manor the Petrelli home) it seemed pretty obvious that she'd see him, notice the shard, and be like, "Well, duh, here's the problem. You got this giant thing jammed in here. All youse gotta do is pull it out." [Next season's spin-off series: 'Claire Bennett - Brain Mechanic!']

And was it just me, or did anyone else think it was kinda "coincidental" that the messenger/runner sent to deliver the final issue of '9th Wonders' to the publisher looked to be (to me, at least) Japanese? So is it another AU-Hiro, or has Ando really let himself go?

Is it next Monday, yet? I need more, now! (On the other hand, waaaahhh, only four chapters left this season! ;_____; )

father of my children, heroes_meta, reviews, geekout, heroes, tv, omg, theories

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