Today's Theme: Graphics
Manip for 'X' by Trinity of One by Anna Luna - Dude. Awesome manips.
Cats... by Jedoch - Okay, 1) the style drew me. 2) The scenario cracked me up.
Joe Flanigan's 40 Years HOT picspam by everyone and their brother on
sheafrotherdon's LJ - Jason got one, now it's Joe's turn. I'm with
ferret_kitty who said, “I LOVE the fact that a two line post got over 370 responses. *whistles* Holy crap.”
Closed Universe by Girlnamedpixley - A beautiful SGA wallpaper.
Sheppard in a robe by Crysothemis - Only semi-worksafe. And for the record, I still hate Crys, because I cannot draw with the ease she does. She continues to suck. And should draw more.
Spirit Dance by Friendshipper - Elizabeth brought it on herself.