Today's Theme: Back on Earth
(dis)connected by Auburn and eretria - A very well done Sheppard/McKay/Carter threesome with the right amount of everything. Stick figures not included.
Notion by Diann - Road trip!
That Very Echo by Ladycat777 - This had a wonderful inclusion of John's past, mixing with his present. I loved the excellent job showing family isn't all blood, and tying it back into the canon universe. Wonderful storytelling.
A House is not a Home by 20thcenturyvole - Lovely story. A bit of melancholy, a lot more determination and John and Rodney.
Six Weeks by justbreath80 - I just... I really loved this story a lot.
If the Phone Doesn't Ring, It's Me by tigs - A story about not only Rodney trying to readjust to Earth, but him trying to deal with his friends readjusting too. Very nicely written.