SGA Fic Recs

Aug 30, 2006 00:05

Today's Theme: Series

(Warning/Disclaimer: It is always possible that these series have more stories than are listed. Though I've tried to find them all, I don't promise anything. Sorry!)

The Rent Boy AU Series by Liondragon - Holy cow; you wouldn't immediately think an author could keep sustained interest in the plot of something designed to hit so many sex buttons, but what's completely transfixed my attention are the underlying plot developments that occur. Liondragon has woven a fascinating relationship between Rodney and John that I just love to death. They're both taking what they need from the other, and fortunately getting what they need because the other is willing to accept their needs. Wonderfully balanced, characterized, and written. The secondary characters have also been fleshed out and explored, making this universe one that is very well balanced and extremely readable.

The Retrograde Series by Martha - I've already recommended one or more individual stories in this series - I think before it actually became a series. I love every little detail she puts into the stories, from the quiet moments in some of the later stories to the off-balance interactions of the Atlanteans fighting for their survival. Martha hits an excellent balance between drama, humor, angst, friendship, playfulness, and just about every other emotion under the sun.

Dead Like Them Series by Mad Gaters
Dead Like Them
Dead Like Them: Dead Man Walking
Ghost Story Part One
Ghost Story Part Two

I just loved the idea of sticking the cast of the Stargates into the “Dead Like Me” universe. I started reading this series before I'd seen the DLM show, and it caught me up right away. Everybody stays remarkably in character for both of the shows, and meanwhile there is a wonderful little plot that will keep you reading as Rodney tries to deal with being dead, amongst other problems.

Choices and Cliches Series by Elayna
The One Like A Bad Sci-Fi Film
The One With the Implausible Alien Technology
The One with the Vampire Problem
The One with the Rescue and the Dance

I fully admit to being obsessed with this series. I read it so often that I have at least one of them open at any given time on my desktop computer. Seriously. Obsessed. Okay, yes, part of it is the vampire thing - it was really well done. But it's the wonderful intimacy Elayna has created and repeatedly portrayed between Sheppard and McKay that keeps me coming back over and over. There's a nice, slow, unforced slide into the relationship/intimacy that is reminiscent of Keiko's Steak Series in the SG-1 fandom and makes for me a story that is the equivalent of sweet, mellow desert wine at the end of a long day.

sgarecs:series, recs: sga

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