SGA Fic Recs

Jun 12, 2006 23:11

Today's Theme: Sad Stories

Sense Memory by Stillane - I loved this brilliant little piece. Very well written, with a wonderfully interesting take on the theme of the five senses. Loved it.

For What It’s Worth by Esse - An interesting piece focusing on the word ‘kill’.

Sons of Adam by Trinity of One - Very interesting use of the fairytale style of storytelling. And, you know, sad.

The Fruit That Tempts Us by Out There - More, more! Argh! Details, background! Overall, this story has a nice, realistic touch to it.

Through the Looking Glass by Spacebabe - Jesus. There was a story that I ultimately decided not to rec because it had a feeling of being more WIP than a completed story which had John waking up from a seven year coma. For me, that is horror. To just lose gaping lengths of time because your brain can’t or won’t wake up. And then on top of that, there’s this story, which just completes my personal horror list.

Waiting for Hermiod by Pouncer - Unfortunately I can see the canon characters acting like this.

Misery to Man by Trinity of One - This story has a sequel... somewhere, written by someone else. (I still suck). Quite heart wrenching, even with the sequel. ETA: dossier pointed me in the right direction to the sequel by Gaia. (Thanks again!)

recs: sga, sgarecs:sad

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