SGA Fic Recs

Mar 31, 2006 22:35

Today's theme: First Time

Care In the Holding by Lacey McBain - This...... is one of those stories that I didn't know if I should rec or not. It's got some good moments in it, but tends to lend itself towards.... Overacting, if that makes sense. Anyway, as always, here it is, for your deciding.

Distraction by Lacey McBain - Mmm. A very, very, very good story. Ancient tech starts trying to communicate with John, who can't understand it.

Your Inevitable Unhappy Ending by Helen - This story, for me, is one of those completely good and yet still-manages-to-be-really-forgettable stories. I can never remember this story, and yet have read it 5 or 6 times now, based on appearance on my flist, recs and finding it over and over again. It happens to me every so often, but this story is good.

Solutions by Teaphile - Okay, falling into the realm of not-so-plausible, but I still liked it. It's a cute little story.

Scenes from an Accidental Courtship by ToraK - Rodney totally gets the wrong idea when John kisses him one day. *shakes head* Oh, Rodney. The scene in the shower between them is absolutely phenomenal. For all that people make Rodney into an ogre - or he makes himself - I can see him showing this level of concern, kindness and caring for someone he works with, very, very easily. I honestly believe he has it in him.

recs: sga, sgarecs:firsttime

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