SGA Fic Recs

Feb 05, 2008 20:24

Today's Theme: Recs for one line alone

Five, Four, Three, Two, One (Zero) by busaikko - Venner had no idea what a closet was; Sheppard, on the other hand, probably had no idea what a door was, at least homosexually speaking. Bit of John backstory and a bit of developing relationship.

Hop, Skip, and a Jump by nestra - "Figure it out." Only John would order Rodney to “figure out” the [cut for spoiler] in 30 seconds.

A Very Happy Non-Denominational Voluntary Non-Working Day by miss-porcupine - The barracks, on the other hand, was where subdued good taste went to die.

Push by jane-elliot - (5 parts) The moment they stepped inside, John closed his eyes and started to hyperventilate. Rodney smacked him on the back of the head. "Stop that."

sgarecs:oneliners, recs: sga

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